Miss Giggles

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I sit helping Pepper with the tower and waiting for dad to return from connecting the arc reactor to the pipes "You're good on this end

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I sit helping Pepper with the tower and waiting for dad to return from connecting the arc reactor to the pipes "You're good on this end. The rest is up to you." Dad tells us over the comms system. "You disconnected the transition lines? Are we off the grid?" Pepper asks. "Stark Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy." Dad responds. "Wow. So maybe our reactor takes over, and it actually works?" Pepper asks him. "I assume. Light her up Little Genius." Dad tells me. "Okay Daddy." I smile pressing the button which makes all the lights turn on in the tower, all running on clean energy. "How does it look?" Pepper asks dad. "Like Christmas, but with more... me." Dad responds making me giggle. "So it looks like hot chocolate and candy?" I asks him making Pepper laugh. "Gotta go wider on the public awareness campaign. You need to do some press. I'm in DC tomorrow. I'm working on the zoning for the next three buildings." Peppe tells dad. "Pepper, you're killing me. Remember the moment? Enjoy the moment." Dad responds. "Don't ruin the moment Pepper." I grins cheekily making Pepper laughs and tickle me. "Then get in here and I will." she tells dad. "Ewww, your not gonna kiss in front of me are you?" I ask. "Close your eyes then you won't see." Pepper jokes ruffling my hair.

Just then dad walks in making me run over to him, dad picks me up and throws me over his should making me squeal and laugh "Levels are holding steady... I think." Pepper says from the monitors. "Of course they are, I was directly involved. Which brings me to my next question: how does it feel to be a genius?" dad asks her. "Well, ha, I really wouldn't know now, would I?" Pepper responds. "What do you mean? All this came from you." dad tells her as he puts me on my feet. I giggle as I sort my hair out "No. All this came from that." Pepper says, pointing at the arc reactor in dad's chest. "Give yourself some credit, please. Stark Tower is your baby. Give yourself... twelve percent of the credit." Dad responds making me wince and look at Pepper. "Abort conversation. I repeat, abort conversation." I warn dad. "Twelve percent?" Pepper asks, annoyed. "An argument can be made for fifteen." Dad tries to fix his problem. "Twelve percent? For my baby?" Pepper asks, getting even more annoyed. "Should have aborted the conversation." I tell dad. "Well, I did do all the heavy lifting. Literally, I lifted the heavy things. And sorry, but the security snafu? That was on you." Dad tells Pepper. "Oooooh." I wince as Pepper turns to look at dad. "My private elevator..." Dad starts. "You mean our elevator?" Pepper corrects. "Was steaming with sweaty workmen. I'm going to pay for that comment about percentages in some subtle way later, aren't I?" Dad asks looking between me and Pepper. "Not gonna be that subtle." Pepper retorts as she pours herself and dad champagne. "Oooh, can I have some?" I ask. "Too young." both dad and Pepper tell me. "But Daaaaad." I whine. "There's cola in the fridge." Dad tells me. I pout and give him the puppy eyes making him sigh "Fine, there's ice cream in the freezer but not too much otherwise you'll be bouncing off the walls later." he smiles. "Yes!" I grin, kissing his cheek before running over to the mini fridge and mini freezer.

As I walk back over, eating my cookies n cream ice cream, Jarvis starts talking "Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overwritten." he tells dad. "Stark, we need to talk." a voice I recognise as Phil Coulson says from dad's phone. Dad picks up his phone and looks into it at Coulson "You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message." he tells him. I snort into my ice cream as Pepper steals some as she also chuckles. "This is urgent." Coulson tells dad. "Then leave it urgently." Dad retorts. As he says that the elevator opens to reveal Coulson "Security breach. That's on you." Dad tells Peter making me giggle even more. "Mr. Stark." Coulson greets. "Phil! Come in." Pepper smiles standing up. "Phil? Uh, his first name is Agent." Dad tells her as he also stands up. Giggling I carry on eating my ice cream as Coulson walks in "Come on in, we're celebrating." Pepper smiles. "I can't stay." he tells her. "Which is why he can't stay." Dad says at almost the sam time making me grin. Dad looks at me and I smile innocently at him as I join them "We need you to look this over. Soon as possible." Couldon says handing dad a file.

Dad doesn't take it making me giggle slightly "I don't like being handed things." he tells him. "That's alright, 'cause I love to be handed things. So, let's trade." Pepper smiles handing Coulson her champagne and taking the file before doing the opposite with dad. "Aww,I want to look." I pout making dad smile slightly in my direction. "Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday." Dad tells Coulson. "This isn't a consultation." Coulson responds. "Is this about The Avengers? Which I...I know nothing about." Pepper says looking at the Agent. "The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify." Dad says. "I didn't know that either." Pepper adds. "Yeah, apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others." Dad continues. 'That I did know." Pepper smiles making me giggle. "No more ice cream Miss Giggles." Pepper tells me taking the tub off me. I pout before skipping over to join dad, climbing on his back so I can read over his shoulder "This isn't about personality profiles anymore." Coulson tells dad. "Whatever. Miss Potts, got a minute?" Dad asks before looking at me "Convert these for our data base while I talk to Pepper." he tells me. "Okay daddy." I smile jumping off his back and taking the files.

I climb onto my step stool so I can reach all the table before quickly converting the files for our database, once done the database brings up the files as hologram "Finished." I grin looking at dad who kisses my head as the three of us look at the hologram. "I'm going to take the jet to DC tonight." Pepper tells us. "Tomorrow." Dad responds her. "You've got homework. You've got a lot of homework." she counters. "Well, what if I didn't?" Dad asks. "If you didn't? You mean if you finished? Well, um...then." Pepper starts before whispering in dad's ear. I look at them confused before reading the information the hologram is showing us about Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Natasha and Hawkeye. "Square deal. It's the last date." Dad tells Pepper making her kiss him. "Work hard." she tells him before leaving with Coulson. Dad grabs the hologram version of a thing called the tesseract before looking at me worried. I smile at him "I'm not leaving." I tell him crossing my arms. "Wouldn't dream of it Little Genius, but it is way past your bed time." Dad responds. "But daaad, I wanna help you." I pout. "You can help me by going at changing into you pj's. Then maybe you can stay up a bit longer to drink hot coco with me." he responds picking me up. Smiling I nod before running to my room to get changed into my pyjamas.

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