Slashers reacting to their S/O running to them crying after being bullied

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Hello, it's me again! I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! I have one more ask for the day, (and it may or may not be based on something that actually happened to me) Michael, Jason, Thomas, and Vincent reaction to when their s/o runs to them crying cuz guys were making inappropriate and mean comments to them.

Please and thank you 💜🦋

Michael Myers

• Confused at first as to why you were crying, but after explaining that you were treated badly by some punks, Michael held you a little tighter than usual

• He would stay with you, trying to comfort you the best way he could in this awkward time. Michael admits he's not very good at this kind of thing, but he tries for you.

• Holding you until he was sure you were asleep, he would then sneak out of the house to avenge you. Killing those who mocked you, making sure they suffered for hurting his sweet y/n.

• Bringing back a souvenir from each person he killed that night, showing you that your troubles were over and he would always protect you.

• You would wake up to a maskless Michael placing sloppy kisses on your cheek.

Jason Voorhees

• I'm sorry, they said what to you?

• Jason would of course comfort you, before he went out and beheaded those poor unfortunate souls who made fun of you.

• Tossing theor heads into a heap on the ground, Jason looked you for approval.

• Knowing how it feels to be made fun of and being tossed around by people, Jason would spend the next few days spoiling you with his love and affection.

• Jason doesn't speak much, but when he does it's music to your ears as he whispers his sweet nothings in your ear. "So pretty/handsome" as he caressed your skin. He could hold you like this forever if you'd let him.

Thomas Hewitt

• Wraping his arms around you tightly, he's not about to let you go anytime soon.

• Thomas also knows how it feels to be bullied, he would take you away from the scene. How about a nice long walk through the cornfield with your lover? He'd even carry you if you'd like.

• He never misses a chance to tell you how beautiful/handsome you are, placing sweet kisses all over your face.

• Would hold you in his lap as you watch the sunset together, he would make sure you forgot all about what happened.

• If dinner tastes a little funny for the next few nights, you know Thimas took care of them for you.

Vincent Sinclair

• You could see the rage in his eye as you told him about the people who were mean to you.

• Although, not unlike Thomas, Vinny doesn't like you to see him kill very often. Unless it's one of these circumstances.

• Would make sure your comfortable up in the house, instead of his hot workshop. Might even get Lester to keep you company while he went out to avenge you.

• Neither of you realized how angry Vincent was about the situation, until you seen how mutilated the bodies were. There's no saving them now.

• He doesn't care about them, he only cares about you y/n. There will be plenty more "visitors" for his work.

• He would take the rest of the night off, making you feel like the only girl/boy in the world. Would even let you take his mask off if you wanted, tonight is about you.

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