Part 4

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Three days later Harry was sitting in his potions class Harry dazed off, he could still hear professor Slughorns voice trailing off into the distance. Harry was actually quite surprised when he agreed to come back to teach this year. Twirling the quil between his fingers, his thoughts drifted off, the memory of yesterday lingering in his thoughts.

The feeling of Malfoys long legs wrapped around him, the warmth of his chest pressed against Harry's back, and the slight breath tickling his neck. Harry's eyes closed and he remembered the feelings of Malfoys calloused hands running up and down his arms.

Taking a deep breath in he glanced across the room, not stopping till his eyes saw the strike of white gleaming hair. Malfoy seemed distracted, not paying much attention he stared out the window. Harry's gaze slowly moved down as Malfoy tilted his head exposing more of his long neck and collarbone. Harry took note of what he was wearing, a long sleeve black shirt that fell just below his belly button and form fitting grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips.

He was captivating, and Harry had a hard time looking away. Especially when Malfoy stood up, and lifted his arms up to stretch, and the shirt he was wearing rose up to show off his delectable curves. Harry noticed a small tattoo Draco had on his ribs, but he put his arms down too fast and Harry didn't get a good look at what it was. Very intrigued Harry didn't look away. His eyes followed Malfoy as he walked across the room.

Dragged out of his thoughts by a nudge on his shoulder, he had to literally peel his gaze off of Malfoy. He turned to look at Ron and Hermione who were also standing up. Hermione was holding her giant pile of books, and Ron was tying to grab some from her but she wouldn't let him.

"You coming?" Ron asked, "or are you too busy mentally undressing Malfoy?" Looking proud of his remark, Ron smirked. Hermione tried to stifle her laugh, but she couldn't contain it.

Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed his stuff, rather passive aggressively. "That is NOT what I was doing," he said angrily. This time Ron and Hermione both laughed. Harry looked back at his friends and slightly smiled, enjoying their laughter, even if it was because they were teasing him. For a split second he thought that maybe they wouldn't mind so much if they knew what he was feeling.

"Of course not Harry" Hermione managed between laughs. "You we're just drooling slightly" Harry huffed and walked towards the door.
Walking out of the classroom, Ron and Hermione's laughter behind him, things were finally starting to feel normal. For the first time, In what seemed like forever, he felt light as their laughter rang in his ears.

Looking down the hall he saw Draco taking off somewhere. It's none of Harry's business where he is going, but that didn't stop his curiosity. Nor did it stop his urge to go after him. Looking Over his shoulder at Ron and Hermione reminded him that he should be spending time with them, and not obsessing over Malfoy. Or the feeling of Malfoys body flush against his own, or his rough hands on his skin. No he definitely shouldn't be thinking about that.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he turned to face his friends and spoke, "So, what do you want to do?" By the look on their faces he assumed that they already had plans together. His shoulders dropped in disappointment and waited for their response. Hermione spoke first.

"Well actually Harry, Ron and I have plans to go out on a date tonight.." she trailed off, avoiding eye contact. Harry understood, they deserve to be able to go on dates. They never really had time to go out before. Plastering a smile to his face and nodding his head he looked at them.

"I hope you have a good night then" he did his best to sound happy for them, despite the heaviness in his chest. Turing and continuing to walk down the hall, he thought maybe he could go out tonight too. He doesn't need anyone to go with him. He's an adult. He can go alone, but where he should go is the question.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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