iv. troubled waters

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'WHAT DO YOU mean there is trouble with Anne?' Henriette inquired, looking up from her book, which she told everybody was full of prayers, but really it was a romance. She would be scolded if her Father found out she was filling her head with such wishy-washy nonsense.

Thomas Boleyn scratched his head and frowned, sitting around his two younger children. George rolled his eyes, as if the answer was so obvious that someone would have to be very stupid to not have seen it. Henriette was curious, and obviously if there were matters with Anne, people were not talking of how Charles Brandon continued to flirt and charm her and pile her with substance-less compliments.

'Well, to be frank, the court is talking of how Anne has caught the eye of King Henry, for they danced together thrice yesterday evening, and he had a necklace of rubies to her apartments this morning.' Thomas' eyes lit up when he spoke of the jewels; he was ever the scheming man. Henriette nodded, but was sure that he saw this as more of an opportunity than 'trouble'.

'What father means to say is, Anne is taking after our sister's sluttish ways, and we all know very well how fond he is of Boleyn girls,' George chuckled, turning to eye Henriette. 'Careful Hen, you may well be next!'

Henriette would have gone bright red if she were not so cross at her brother's comment. And besides, King Henry was not the one she had her eye on—not that she would admit such a thing—but Charles Brandon was starting to make her feel giddy whenever she thought of him.

'What does Mary think of all of this?" She asked, worried a slight for her slandered sister. Though she and Mary did not always get along, she did worry for her at times.

'There is no need to fret about that, child. Anne is the one the King wants now. Mary has been... in better words, put aside. The King has simply discarded the old for the better.' Thomas pursed his lips and sighed. 'Anne always was the prettiest of you girls.'

Henriette did not even flinch at that. She was used to her father's cruel and spiting words. She was very often the subject of them. Whenever she did something he did not like, he would tell her how her sisters would never do something like that, or how George would have never forgotten to study his Latin because he was intelligent, clearly a foreign concept to vapid little Henriette.

'I think it is all jolly good that Anne's caught the King's eye. Mary never was all that bright. Perhaps a marriage will be in the cards, seeing how that old cow of a Queen is faring. She has crow's feet and has only given him a useless girl. If he does not discard of his Queen, then perhaps Anne shall be maîtresse-en-titre. Think of all the wealth and power we shall have..." George drooled, and Henriette could only scrunch up her nose in disgust.

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