iii. a favour for the king

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THE MIRTH OF the tepid summer morning glistened bright in her eyes, the sun turning the gilt and jewels to glisten as it captured them in its golden cast. Henriette was a little dreary-eyed from her six o'clock prayers, but there was a quiet spirit of merriment that shook through the palace grounds that day. The four of them — Anne, Mary, George and Henriette — were all bound for the lists, where they were to be entertained by jousting and other courtly games. A series of canopy-tents stretched through the verdurous gardens of Hampton Court, their forms brimming with courtiers and the sound of merry-making as they blathered and giggled in awaiting.

The stands weren't so occupied when the four of them reached the lists, so they made a beeline for a few places very close to the barricade that kept them from the arena. Anne and Henriette were not quiet in their excitement, and seated themselves merrily and as comfortably as they could, and eyed the men in shining armour as they saddled their horses and blunt-tipped lances. Anne bore a gleeful blush across her cheeks as she made eye contact with a handsome brunette jouster, and he returned the look with a pearly smile.

'Whom has got you so besotted, dear sister?' Henriette inquired with a giggle as Anne's fine eyes turned sly with bashfulness.

'Wouldn't you like to know...' She pursed her lips and a pleased look soon formed on her countenance when the armoured young gallant approached the barricade, his own face aglow with the sweetness of a blossoming potential love. Henriette stifled a gleeful chuckle as she watched the two blushing courtiers speak in playful jests.

'Henriette,' Anne turned back to her sister and gestured to the fine young man. 'This is Henry Percy. He wishes to make both our acquaintances, if you would do him the honour.' Henriette giggled and gave a brisk nod of the head. 

'Surely, so long as his only intention is to remain on well-acquainted terms with me... No frivolous tricks.' She remarked joyfully.

'I think you will find that I have a preference towards your sister,' He replied, his cheeks flushing red as he gazed at Anne. Henriette was content that Anne was not throwing herself at any lecherous men like Mary, though she was never one to stave off her determined flirting.

'Very well then,' She nodded in approval. 'And are you to joust this afternoon?'

'Yes, mistress,' Henry Percy answered, looking from Henriette to Anne in askance. 'Mistress Anne... Would you do me the honour of handing me a favour?' Anne's eyes glistened with delight as she pulled the scarlet ribbon from around her neck and handed it willingly over to Henry Percy who accepted it with a bashful sense of glee and tied it at the end of his lance.

Henriette watched with a cautious intent as Henry gave Anne's hand a brisk kiss before sauntering off to tend to his horse. Both George and Mary were preoccupied with other courtiers, so it left Henriette and Anne to talk while they waited eagerly for the match to commence.

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