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magnetism is the force between two charges that draws them together


"Is that making any more sense or do y'want to go over it again?"

(Y/N) was trying her hand at transcribing her notes in Harry's fashion, finally using the plain green notebook she'd been carrying around for the last month. She planned on typing them up on her laptop later still, but Harry had said something about handwritten notes retaining better in the mind since it was connected to a muscle memory, or something like that. She was willing to try anything at this point; another failure wasn't much of an option if she planned on passing this course.

"A little," she drawled, gaze pinned on the list of bullet points lining the margin of her notebook, "But, can you go over that formula again—the cen-centri-pedal—I don't know how to say it, but that formula."

An airy laugh was exhaled through Harry's smiling lips before he nodded his head. He started on his second round of explanation, voice soft in their quiet corner of the library. Her eyes pulled from the page in front of her to watch Harry gesticulating beside her. A pale pink blush coated his cheeks as he caught sight of her attentive gaze, forcing (Y/N) to bite back a smile.

She thought it was sweet that he was still so shy around her despite how often they'd been around each other in the last month. The last time they had met up in the back of the library had broken down a layer of the walls separating them, but he still managed to become bashful under her attention. When she'd accidentally brush the back of his hand with her fingertips or bump her shoulder into his while scooting closer to read over the same textbook, he'd stumble over his words or get a stutter caught on his tongue. But, (Y/N) thought the cutest bit was when, for whatever reason be it correcting her notes or showing her a specific passage in the textbook, he needed to get close to her or touch her, he would ask for permission with unwavering eye contact no matter how pink his cheeks blushed. Even when she granted him that clearance, he was shaky and unsure, waiting for her first sign of rejection or shrugging him off. He was very gentle and kind with her, and obviously smart, but he still managed to be unbelievably shy despite it all.

And, (Y/N) was pretty sure she definitely had a crush on him. Talking to Ny about it all—hearing all of those little things about him she adored and the fact that he had dropped everything to be with her—then seeing him, made it all official.

"Did that clear anything up, (Y/N)?"

The sound of his honeyed voice wrapping around her name pulled her from her thoughts, a tint of guilt following after. She hadn't been listening to a single thing he was saying, too wrapped up in watching him rather than paying his words any attention. Besides, it had been a long session today; they'd met up after their last classes at two and the time was just nearing eight at night. How was she supposed to focus on physics when her brain was fried and there were much more pleasant things to pin her thoughts to?

She figured she had gone quiet for too long when Harry let out a short sigh before rubbing at his eyes from under his glasses.

"Okay," he nodded his head, eyes fixed on the textbook in front of him, "That's okay, we'll figure it out. Was there something in specific that was tripping y'up?" He looked just as stressed as she had been only a few days prior; now she knew why he had wanted to comfort her. If she had looked anything like him, she understood his urge to wrap her up and console her.

"Harry, we can stop for the night, you know," she started, taking on a soothing tone that complimented the warmth of the worn books around them, "We've been doing this for almost six hours, and neither of us have had dinner. I don't think it would be a bad idea if we gave it a rest for now."

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