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inertia is the law that dictates if any outside force is given to an object, it's course will change.


(Y/N) had been filled with butterflies in her tummy and cotton-candy clouds since Harry picked her up for a lunch date before he had to go into work. He had told her he wanted to take her somewhere he loved, which made her all the more excited for the date than normal. She noticed he tended to plan around everything she liked (aside from the scary movie date, of course), taking her to places he knew would make her happy and centering the conversation around her. She was bubbling at the idea of getting more of a peek into his life outside of the classroom, hoping to add another piece to the green-eyed and curly-haired puzzle that made up her Harry.

"I've never been down here before," (Y/N) prattled as she walked with Harry down the sloping sidewalk a couple of blocks away from campus.

Harry swung their joined hands between them, a serene smile on his face as he took in the leaves falling around them. He was bundled comfortably in one of his knitted jumpers, this one a bright fuchsia shade that matched the laces he had threaded through his shoes, the heavy sleeves periodically falling over their hands. "I used to come out here all the time m'first year. I had a lot of time on m'hands, so I liked to explore. Only a little further down," he mused, peering through the slowly baring trees, "Y'can see the awning from here, actually. 'S that green one down there."

(Y/N)'s eyes followed the finger he pointed out towards an emerald green awning that had fading letters in a font that resembled wood grain. She couldn't make out the words, but she could see why Harry was drawn to a location like that. Just from that glimpse, she could see how well he would fit into that sort of environment.

As they drew closer, she found a coffee shop directly next door, a conjoined sign between the two spaces showing they were in business together and stop by the other if you go to one. A cute patio space was arranged just to the left of the business strip, leaving the wrought iron frames to be glazed over in the orange of the falling leaves with a couple seated at the middle table, cups of coffee in hand.

Mumbling, Harry pulled her along inside the store adorned with the green awning, an old-school brass bell dinging above their heads, "This is where I used to come study if I wasn't at the library. There's a corner in the back with these really soft pillows y'can sit and read at."

Looking around, (Y/N) took in the rich, warm tones that decorated the space. The high shelves were made of clean, stained wood to show off the intricate grain. Hand drawn signs were posted on the bookends of each shelf, delegating which genre was housed on the shelves, decorated with hallmarks of that specific category. Potted plants in shades of soft green were dispersed throughout the shop with the pots decorated to match the jewel tones accenting the space. Bright pops of gold mixed in with burnt oranges and the deep green that colored the awning, giving the space a soft-focus vintage ambiance that drew (Y/N) in.

"It's cozy," she whispered back, Harry's dimples digging deeper into his cheeks.

"Hi, Harry! How are you? We haven't seen you here in a while," the girl behind the checkout desk bubbled, a genuine smile on her features as she set down the book she was paging through to give them the full of her attention.

The tips of his ears were tinted pink, the dusting matching the flush that climbed up his cheeks. Harry glanced down at her, mumbling under his breath, "I didn't think I came here that much."

A breathy laugh was drawn from (Y/N) as she dropped her gaze to their joined hands as Harry greeted the attendant. She could hear that pleasant small talk happening beside her though she was hooked on the volumes lining the shelves. This wasn't the kind of place she usually found herself—not for years, anyway. She used to be a bigger reader when she was younger, but now she barely picked up a book for fun now that she was too tired or too busy to do so. (Y/N) hadn't even realized she was drifting towards the stacks until her grip on Harry's hand slipped an inch before he rushed to replace his hold.

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