Chapter 27

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        The months following homecoming were weird. I celebrated my eighteenth by going to the bookstore, buying The Clockwork Princess, and reading the entire book that day. Wes and I avoided each other. He even sat in a different seat during the classes we had together. Eventually he got back together with Amber, which kind of hurt, but for some reason I saw it coming. A popular guy like him can't be seen with a nerd like me. I blame that strange night on the clothes I was wearing. Since then I have taken a break from being girly and have gone back to good old jeans, a t-shirt and my DC's.

        Vin and Casey are finally getting serious. He finally had the nerve to kiss her yesterday, which relieved me. Now I know he's finally not latched on to me anymore. Jessica and her date never really hit it off. Darien wasn't her type. Gideon's band has been getting a lot of gigs lately, so Sara and him broke things off. Sara was okay with it, since she barely saw him at all. As for my masked man, I still have no idea who he is or what he really looks like. I often dream of those steel grey eyes staring at me.

        Well, it's the first day of Spring break and I am busy packing. My mom has actually agreed to let me go to Hawaii with the girls for break. I freaked out so much when she said yes and Jessica practically screamed my ears numb over the phone. I'm really excited. I thought it was just going to be a just girls trip, but Casey insisted on Vin coming. I don't mind Vin. I just don't want to be in a bikini around him. We all know what happened the last time I was scantily clad in his presence. 

        I go through everything in my luggage to make sure I am completely prepared for the entire week. I've packed my turquoise bikini that matches my eyes, and a monokini that's covered in peacock print. Instead of having to bring a razor and shaving cream, I got my armpits, legs and lady parts waxed three days ago. It hurt like nothing I've ever felt before. At least now all the redness and tenderness is gone. I think I have everything packed except for sunglasses and my sandals. The girls said I should bring a dress and heels for going out in, but I really don't have anything that is club worthy. I luckily have the rest of my birthday money from everyone saved so I can just buy something when I get there. Crap, I forgot to pack jewelry. I guess that means more shopping for me! I make sure I bring my arsenal, just in case Aunt Flo decides to come to town when I'm there. It's not due until next Sunday, but I don't like surprises.



                Aloha from sunny Hawaii!


        Shit! I can't go to Hawaii! What If I run into him? What's with the new I get it. Pull yourself together Toni. You're a strong young lady and can handle yourself just fine. Maybe he won't even be on the same island.


                Which island are you on?






        I text Jessica because I can't for the life of me, remember what island we're going to.


                What island are we going to again?




                For the third time, we're going to Oahu! Just in case you didn't read it right, it's OAHU! Rhymes with Yahoo! That's what you are! LOL jk Totes love ya!



                Haha very funny, love ya too. I'm soooooo excited. XOXO


        Double shit! It's Oahu!

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