Chapter 28

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        I take a deep breath and gather my thoughts. Grabbing my luggage, I head down stairs waiting for Vin to take me to the airport. My mom had already left for work, but before doing so she made sure to give the whole safety lecture. Since she's been to Hawaii before, she informed me of some of the places she really enjoyed. Part of me just wants to zone out reading a book on the beach. Jessica won't let me get away with that though. I'm sure she has an entire intinerary planned for the whole week. I look out the window and see Vin pulling into the drive way. Gathering my belongings I take one last look at the house and close the door behind me.

"Your carriage awaits madame" Vin says.

I chuckle, "Thank you kind sir." Vin comes around and opens the door for me, like a true gentlemen and I slide into the passenger seat. He starts the engine and we're off. He has the top down so the wind is whipping through my hair. I love the feel of it. It's a fairly warm Spring day here. I hear birds chirping and kids are out playing.

"So, what do you think we're going to do when we first get there?" he queries.

"We will surely have to go to our rooms and change for dinner and a night out on the town. Jessica wouldn't have it any other way. I'm sure she'll have all kinds of activities planned, but as long as I get some quality me time at the beach I'll be happy."

"We won't all be able to go out. Casey is only sixteen." I keep forgetting that Casey is younger than us. To me she always seems older.

"Well, she'll be turning seventeen this week so we will have to plan something special." Vin is quiet for second, lost in thought I guess. He finally looks back at me.

"I have an idea!" he exclaims. He proceeds to tell me his plan. This boy is brilliant. Casey will absolutely love the idea he has planned.

We finally arrive at the airport and luckily it's not too crowded, seeing as most people left last night for their Spring break trips. The only reason we didn't leave yesterday was because the trip tickets we're substantially cheaper if we shortened the duration of our stay by one day. I was super excited to go to Hawaii, but at the same time I was nervous. It was my first time on a plane and I didn't know what to expect. We found Jessica and the girls waiting at the gate, flipping through magazines and gushing over a shirtless pic of Zac Efron. I rolled my eyes. "You are just as bad as the boys at our school."

"At least we don't cat call" Jessica retorts. Gate J4 now boarding first class. Gate J4 now boarding first class. The lady announces over the intercom. We gather our things and board the plane. I have to say, if you're going to travel, first class is the way to go. The seats were plush and I had plenty of leg room. Jessica and Sara sat across from me, while Vin and Casey sat next to each other in another section. Since we wouldn't be landing  until seven this evening, we had an in flight dinner consisting of rosemary and thyme seasoned chicken breast and roasted red potatoes. The girls and I had mocktails and Vin stuck with his favorite, lemon-lime soda. Part way through the flight we ran into a little bit of turbulance which caused me to squeeze my eyes shut, maintain a firm grip on the armrests and pray that we don't crash.

"Hey Toni" whispers Jessica. I slowly open my eyes to see what she wants. "Look at all the other passenger's heads" she suggests. I look up right when some turbulance hits and watch as all the passenger's head move in unison, like a chorus of bobbleheads. I look back at Jessica and we both start cracking up. By the time I had finished wiping the tears off my face from laughing so hard, a flight attendant waltzes up to where we are  sitting and asks us to keep it down so as to not disturb the other passengers. We nodded in agreement and she waltzed off in the other direction. Jessica and I glanced at each other and rolled our eyes, which caused us to giggle a little. I looked out my window to see the main island of Hawaii coming into view. I hude grin spread across my face but slowly faded when my brain reminded me of a certain someone that's also in Hawaii. Stupid Wes! I just pray that we never run into each other. I want to enjoy this vacation without any major hiccups.

As soon as we've collected our luggage we are greeted by chaufeur that was holding a sign that read, Jessica & Casey Harrison +3. Jessica's dad spared no expense for this trip. He did however inform Jessica that this trip also counted as her graduation gift. For Casey it was a birthday gift. We follow the driver to a black stretch humvee. The driver and Vin load all our luggage into the trunk while the girls and I claim our seats inside. The inside of this limo was awesome, not that I had ever been inside any other limos to compare it to, but I think it's fantastic. It has plush, navy blue, microfiber apholstery and black flooring. There is cerulean neon lighting along the base of the seats. The ceiling has diffrent sized lights scattered across it, making it resemble the night sky. I could have sat in there forever.

"Alright bitches, time for a toast!" Jessica announced as she began pouring sparkling cider for everyone. "Here's to a magical week in Hawaii"

"And to not having to put up with stupid people!" adds Casey. We clanked our glasses together and drink. My mind has trouble focusing on the good time we're having. I keep staring out the window hoping I won't see a familiar pair of green eyes.

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