1968.. . .
"Oh, this room is just beautiful, auntie. Thank you." Rosemary said, smiling softly.
Rosemary's aunt, Anna, nodded. "Of course, of course. I'm just so glad you came down to spend this summer in Italy with your cousins and I."
Rosemary sat her luggage on the bed. "I missed you all."
"We missed you too." Anna looked at her niece, smiling as her touches of gray hair fell around her face. "Well get ready, Rosie, we've all decided to take you out to dinner tonight in honor of you being back. I'll be downstairs if you need me."
Rosemary nodded and sat on the bed as Anna walked out of the small room.
Rose wasn't the type to walk into someone's house and be comfortable easily, especially if the comfort of her own house was in a completely different country.