Chapter Eight

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Diana walked inside her home, quickly running upstairs to her room to change. "What on Earth happened!" Tinsley asked as Diana dropped her gown in a puddle of water.

"Rain!" Diana grinned as she moved to her desk.

"Let me draw you a hot bath and warmed lemon water, you'll catch a cold!" Tinsley scolded leaving the room.

Diana ignored her opening her diary to write about her day. Diana left the Prince under the canopy of the tree as the drops of rain slowed. Diana explained she would tell him of her idea once she had hammered it all out, promising to explain it at the next assembly which was in three days. The idea was perfect, he would gain footing again to find a Princess and if she played this right, she would get two proposals to reject and earn her Tour with her brother.

Diana scribbled her thoughts and feelings in her diary, finding how fascinated she was with the Prince and how she felt like while he was all smiles and kindness, he had more to him than he let on. Diana paused then bit her lip, on paper, it was plain as day as she reread her entry how much she liked the Prince.

"Impossible!" Diana shook her head, deciding it was an attraction and nothing more, she couldn't be falling for Prince Friedrich, adventures were to be had and she truly didn't know exactly what she wanted in life. Prince Friedrich, on the other hand seemed to know exactly what he wanted, he did not deserve to be with someone who was unsure especially after his previous disastrous season.

Diana set on a new page her list of why it wouldn't do to fall in love with the Prince in her diary. The Queen, being number one, informing her it was impossible. The royal already has some mysterious and surely beautiful debutante perfect for him. Secondly, the Prince is too perfect for her, handsome, intelligent, kind, and gentle.  She, on the other hand, was restless as her brothers, outspoken, and could not settle to be a demure Princess. 

Diana's more logical mind reminded her she needed to be careful, the plan could backfire painfully and she needed to draw the line immediately the next time she spoke with him. The emotional Diana impeded those thoughts with his smile, kindness, and how he made her feel. 

"Must be just infatuation," Diana muttered to herself, deciding then and there her feelings couldn't be deep, she can't let it and he surely would lose interest in her as time went on. Diana then forced to remember how the Queen mentioned he flirted in his home country, surely he had no deep interest in her and must consider her another conquest. 

An hour later, Diana settled in her bath still deep in thought, her plan now in a precarious position of being a good idea and a bad one. Diana could not discuss with her friends she decided, the secret must be between her and the Prince. Diana knew she needed to guard her heart fiercely, if she lost it, there is no telling what stupid decisions and missed opportunities it would cost her.

The next couple of days leading up to the ball, Diana contemplated on her proposal. A line must be drawn between them and no matter how much her heart stuttered around him she could not lose herself completely because surely those feelings would wear away. Diana scribbled in her diary the scenarios that could play out when she saw him tonight, her nerves letting her imagination run wild. 

"Diana, your mother is here to help you get ready, she has a gown for you." Tinsley whispered hurriedly. Diana quickly shoved her papers and things in her drawer. Settling in her vanity picking up her brush, pretending to work out a knot in her lock. 

Diana's mother walked through her room with no announcement and two maids brought two things, the box of a gown and a velvet case.

"Tonight, you are not going as just a debutante, you will show the world you are a Vincent debutante." Diana looked at her mother in the mirror who gleefully looked diabolical.

A Pact With The Prince | Bridgerton ~ Prince FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now