Digital Wubz

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I sat smoking and listening to the heavy pounding of dubstep for a long time. The bright flashing lights and sounds caused my head to ache, so I tried shutting my eyes but I still felt bad. I felt sick. I needed a glass of water. I emptied one of the glasses on the table and using my magic filled it with sparkling, crystal-clear water. I sipped the cold liquid and lay back in my chair. I thought about what I was getting into. All this criminal activity. I had to admit I didnt like it, but it was the only chance I could get her back. I couldnt go to the police, if this Advocite guy is as powerful as he seems, he would be a few steps ahead, prepared for a situation like that. And what was it Blackheart had said? 'He told me it was for a point. That point was to show how broken the government was.' What exactly did she mean? Is the Advocite trying to make a political statment? And what did this have to do with me? I could of thought for ages about what was going on, but I was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Does anypony want anything?" Came the voice. I was about to answer when the door opened and a pony walked it. I could tell she was a prostitute, far too much perfume covering up the stench of infections, and revealing clothing suggested the same.

"No thank you, Im fine." I answered.

"Are you sure sweetie? Sure there isnt anything I can do...?" She cooed back. She leaned close too one side, raising her eyebrows.

"Like I said before, no thank you."

She sighed as she shut the door behind her. I then saw she had dropped something. A small square packet on the floor. I leaned down and picked it up with my magic. Lifting it to the light I saw it was full of a white powder. Cocain. This got me thinking. If I could get enough it would be a third of the payment done. I looked over to the DJ, to see that it was now a different pony in his position. Where had he gone? I stood up and peered across the balcony, trying to find him. I heard the door open and spun around to face whoever it was.

"That would be mine" came the voice of the pony in the door way. At first I was alarmed, but then I noticed Blackheart standing behind him.

"You must be Digital, yes?" I started.

"The one and only." He smiled as he walked into the room.

"Ol' Blackheart here says you've been havin abit of trouble with the Advocate, is that true?"

I nodded, looking into Digital's red eyes. His long mane was put to one side, showing off his mad grin.

"Well then Arlo, maybe I can help you." He looked around the room and seemed abit dissapointed.

"We cant talk here. Too many ponies listening in. Come with me"

And with that he lead me and Blackheart out the room, down the stairs at the end of the corridor and across the dance floor. When we got the other side he navigated his way theough the tables until he found a plain grey door marked 'Employees Only'.

He opened the door with his horn and inside was a long decaying white hall full of doors. The unpainted ceiling was covered in bright harsh lights and the paint of the walls was old and curling. He trotted inside and we followed, unsure of where he was leading us. The door slammed shut behind him. Looking through the doorways down the corridor I saw large crates full of drugs and hookers putting on make-up. We then turned a corner and entered a door at the end.

"This is my office." Said Digital as he pushed the door open. Inside was a large red walled room with a large mahogany desk in the centre. On the wall behind were many vinyl disk hanging from the walls. Various sculptures on plinths were dotted around the room, and there was a plant in the corner. He sat down at one side of the desk and Blackheart and I sat down on the other side. On the desk there was a stack of papers, a lamp, another plant and a butterfly knife folded up. He put his elbows on the desk and rested his head on his hooves.

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