The story of a Flame

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"I beg your pardon?"

"I want yout to fight me" he replied.

"What? Like, now?"

"Yeah. I want to know if your worthy of my help."

I felt a little awkward. It was my job to stop the violence, not create it. I scowled, unaware of what to do. Suddenly, without warning, Blue Flame swung a punch at me. Instinctively, I ducked, missing the force by a second.

"Good" mused the Blue Flame. He lifted the box slighly, revealing his mouth. I saw a grin on his face. I felt adrenaline rush through me. Without thinking I forced my hoof into his face, almost knocking the box off. He took the impact lightly. He took a step back, my hoof only touching the middle of his eyes for a second. He grimaced. He side-stepped and then hopped forwards, slapping me in the process. The pain stung briefly at the side of my face but it was quickly replaced with rage. I tackled him, springing forwards on my back legs before leaping, embracing him as I forced him to the floor. I raised my hoof in air. I wanted to hit him. I wanted to hit him hard. I hadnt had a chance to release my rage. Maybe, for a brief second, I saw him as the advocite, and I wanted to hurt him.  I was about to swing my hoof at him when Blackheart trotted into the room.

"Um..whats going on here?" She asked politely.

I felt the anger drain from me. Perhaps I smiled. Who knew.

"Nothing worth taking into consideration." Replied Blue Flame, pushing me off him. I fell with a thud onto the chequered floor.

"I just sent an e-mail to Digital. He should be along in a while."

"Digital as in the pimp Digital?" Asked Blue Flame.

"Digital as in DJ Digital." Replied Blackheart.

Blue Flame scowled.

"It is my job to stop all this crime, ever since what happened with advocite. But Digital, I know what he has been through. I have seen his foul trade. He whores ponies and takes the profit. It's disgusting."

"But in stopping the crime, you are also committing a crime, are you not? Currently I see you have done two counts of assult and one count of attempted murder." I said.

Blue Flame was speechless.

"Anyway..." started Blackheart. "I think if we just wait here until he arrives it would be our best move."

"Agreed." I said. I had had enough drama for one day. First with Luna, watching Blackheart get raped, and now this.

"Fine" said Blue Flame, storming off.

"Whats up with him?" I asked.

Blackheart sighed.

"Long story. He hates advocite more than most ponies, and as a result he hates crime in general."

"How come?"

"It's a long story."

"We have until Digital arrives."

"Hmm" Blackheart pondered aloud. "Well, it all started when he was young. His father worked for advocite; whoever he was back then. Anyway advocite told his father that he needed to kill his family. His wife, his daughter, his son. All of them. The reason was uncertain. But he attempted."

I gasped.

"In the middle of the night, he got a knife and slit the throat of his wife. He then went into his daughters room and killed her, but when he went into his son; Blue Flame,'s room he saw him awake. He went to kill him, but the toddler of Blue Flame ran and hid in a carboard box. A play toy or something. As the father than looked around the house for him, he.."

Blackheart stopped and shut her eyes, putting her hoof over her mouth.

"He what?" I asked.

"Blue Flame killed his own father." She said. "He killed his own father to protect himself. Of course now he can't live with himself. The report came back about his dad, said he had been brainwashed by advocite or something. Apon hearing this, Blue ran away from his orphanage, and started living on the streets. He hates crime and went back to his house to recover his box. He now tries to stop the crime, no matter the cost."

"Hang on, how do you know all of this?" I said.

Blackheart let out a breath.

"Because I was in the orphanage with him."

"Oh.." i said, unintentionally.

"My parents left me on cloud when I was young, so when ponies found me they took me there."

"Im sorry, I didnt know.." I said, knowing this must've been a sensitive subject.

"It's fine...I just dont want to talk about it.." said Blackheart, smiling.

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