Chapter 3: The Main Event

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Music blasts through Jayden's headphones as he rides the subway to school, all of a sudden his music stops as his police scanner goes off. He checks to make sure he has time, before getting off at the next stop. He ducks into an alley to change into his Spider-Man suit, and then swings away, saying good morning to Peter along the way.

As he swings away he calls Yuri, "I've been waiting two years to put that jerk behind bars!", Yuri then tells Jayden if he really want to help he can head to Times Square, Kingpin's men are trying to keep her back up from reaching Fisk Tower. Jayden agrees and he swings over to Times Square.

Jayden hears an explosion as he races towards Times Square, when he gets there he see's officers down, so offering his assistance he shoots his web and pulls the guns out of the Kingpin's Henchmen hands. He tells Yuri he's done as he knocks out the last of Fisk's Henchmen, but he's interrupted by an explosion in the distance and swings towards Fisk Tower.

Jayden lands on the side of a police truck just as Yuri was calling in back up,  "Yuri are you alright? " if he makes it out of the building we're gonna lose him she says.  Well then it's a good thing I'm here, Jayden says she lets him help out. Jayden excited, swings towards the building using his webs to help dodge bullets. As he swings forward he shoots two webs, hitting two henchmen in the face as the third tries to run away. Jayden quips, "Hey! Your not goin' anywhere!" grabbing the henchmen by his collar and swinging through the entrance breaking the window. He throws the goon at another goon, saying catch and swings further into the building then engages more of Fisk's henchmen, landing punches kicks and using his webbing. 

After that he sees police officers trying to open the elevator but they can't get it open, so they opt to take the stairs.  Jayden pries the elevator doors open climbs to the air vent at the top while Yuri explains the situation she and police are in. 

Yuri: Spider Man this is Yuri.  Well how are we doing captain?  It could be better, unfortunately our choppers have taken a beating we just had to ground our last one.  If Fisk has the chance to call in a chopper there's no one to stop it from landing she says.

Peter: I'm assuming they don't have anyone to chase Fisk, if that happens. 

Jayden: I have to find him and put an end to this.

Yuri: Not yet.  We pick up some chatter saying Fisk's men are wiping their data servers we need all that evidence if we want to put Fisk away for good. 

Jayden: Okay then I guess the server room is next

Jayden exits through the vent, as he gets a phone call from Jessica.  He answer's while attacking Fisk's men. 

Jayden: Oh call from Mum, better answer. Uh hey Mum. 

Jessica:  What is all that noise?

Jayden:  Oh I'm just watching a superhero video, that's my bad.  Anyway what's up?

Jessica:  I just wanted to make sure you can still make it to dinner with Courtney and I tonight. 

Jayden:  Uh definitely, I don't know about Sarah, you'll have to ask her about it.  But listen I've gotta go. 

Jessica:  Wha-okay love you.

Jayden:  I love you too.

Jayden then finishes off the henchmen he was fighting while talking to Jessica.  Jayden then web zips up to the top floor and spots an air vent leading to the security room, he drops through the ceiling vent surprising some henchmen.  He quips saying hey is this tech support? Great cause I forgot my password.  He attacks the henchmen pulling a roof beam on the ground, the impact knocking out three henchmen. Jayden then accesses the computer, plugging in the flash drive Peter gave him.  As he download's the info and has a conversation with kingpin through a giant monitor.   

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