Chapter 6

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            "So they're actually in there?" I asked Jake, still not believing where I was. We were standing in front of the door of the recording room. I couldn't believe The Sentimental Sunrise was actually a wall away!

            The Sentimental Sunrise's songs were insanely romantic. They capture your attention so quickly with the heartfelt lyrics with a beautiful melody that just rings throughout the whole room no matter where you were. I was kind of glad they weren't as popular because that meant I didn't have to worry about fans throwing themselves at them. Despite what had happened that morning, I was super excited.

            Jake's hand was on the doorknob. "Ready?" he asked me.

            "Never been any more ready than in my entire life," I responded with a smile.

            You know how some girls fall over Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, The Jonas Brothers, and Alex Gaskarth? I thought they were awesome too but The Sentimental Sunrise was my weakness packaged in five hot guys.

            I tried to stay as calm as possible because I really didn't want to act like a crazed, teenage girl.

            Jake pushed the door open and I saw all of the guys of The Sentimental Sunrise recording. I saw Jake's dad, also known as Uncle Gary, and a man who looked about twenty talking amongst themselves. Uncle Gary was trying to control all the fancy buttons. I found that really cool.

            Jake's dad saw me. "Oh, hello, Natalie," he greeted me with a smile.            I walked slowly over to Jake's dad and greeted him with a hug. "Nice to see you again, Uncle Gary."

            "So, Natalie. Jake tells me you are really into The Sentimental Sunrise's music."

            I nodded. "Yeah, I really liked their first album. I was so hooked, I think I didn't listen to any other CD for about a month."

            He laughed. "I have a feeling these kids are going to be really popular. I mean, they're young and fresh. I don't know but do you think they'll be more famous than The Jonas Brothers?" he asked me.

            "Hmm," I said. "Nobody gets anymore famous than The Jonas Brothers. But I'll always love these guys in a way The Jonas Brothers can't get to me," I replied confidently.

            "Spoken like a number one fan," he said, giving me a pat on the back.

            He turned to the man sitting on the chair who was giving him an impressed sort of look.

            "Natalie, this is Kenny, the manager of The Sentimental Sunrise," he introduced us to each other.

            He held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Natalie." I tried studying his face. He reminded me of someone, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Wait. Ryan Gosling! He looked like a younger version of Ryan Gosling, that's it.

            "Nice to meet you too, Kenny."

            "Why don't you grab a chair, Natalie? We'll be here for a pretty long time," Uncle Gary suggested.

            I turned around to grab a chair but Jake was already there with two chairs already pulled out, one for me and one for him.

            "Thanks," I said, pulling the chair and taking a seat.

            I leaned closer to Jake and whispered, "I never got a chance to thank you for bringing me here and everything."

            He smiled. "You're welcome."

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