The song

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I enter this little bandoned house .This is where I always go .I sit down and pulls out my book and pen and write a song about this person and how they gave up on me .we where friend but know ww are not .I guses that is life 

I told you everything.

Then you go away

.I thought you was different

 but you are just the same as everyone

You did help

.Then you went just like everyone I know

.Pleas don't tell.

 If you do I will to

.You was the only one I could trust.

 Now I'm nothing again.

 Goodbye to you. Goodbye to the world

I go throw the pain 

Just to tell you 

You make everythink okay 

You helped me 

To stop the scars 

But now your gon

They will come back 

I will just hide them in the dark 

Along with my self 

Just wainting to go 

To escape the world 

You don't know what I go throw 

All you know is the thinks I tell you 

You tarn the dark into the  light

You help me up when I go down  

You tarn my frown up side down 

You left once I told you more 

You don't know about the things I go throw 

You pulled me up when I was down 

I needed you but just just left 

You know where the door was 

You know It took me a lot just to tell you 

About the things 

Then people knew about the scars 

And about the things I told you 

Then I said goodbye to the things I loved 

(A/N this is my song I wote so plese do not coppying thank you Rycella)


As I walk down the frostes I hear this a mazing vioce and the song it  sound so upseting but it is reallly good .I stop to hear it ..When i hear her cyring .I go closer to see Zoey I thought she was happy she looks so joyfull and outgoing when she is with her friends .Now she is so upset and then droplets on her face do not look god on her . I wont to fix it but I know I carn't .What has broke her can be fix but there will be craks in there, like when you brake sonthing and glue it back togeth,you can still see where it has broken. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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