Friday 3rd April 2015

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So today me and my sister Ann when to her best friend house (kylie )so I could see Joe again (Joe is Kylie son ) .I really like Joe he is cute baby .I really what to see him again but I can't unill like 3or 4 weeks so I am really upset about that . I can not wail until he is older I bet he is going to be even more cute .Then after Kylie's .I hung out with my friend Tori she had a sugger rush so she was all over the place it was funny .Then two boys hit on use .They was cutie but not my type not like this guy I like he is called stefan he is just wow .I would put a pick up but I am no allow let's just say to me he is fit but he is like 17 to old for me and plus he likes someone else but the thing is he is friend with my friend .I really would like to go out with him. I know it would not happen.if it did my dad would hate his guts let just say he is not the jock or the smart type he is an Emo guy and Emo are really fit to me .I normal say things to my best friend Ally but we are not speaking and I am not going into it .Then when I came home I slip on the floor and damage my toe and the T.V has go pop and my foot is in to much pain to move so I am stuck on my tablet until the pain goes away. You know what I will put a pick of him up forget it .

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