Who are you?

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The night stood calm. The tree's swayed with
the wind, almost as if they were dancing. The night sky speckled with stars was a sight for soar eyes. Offering little light, just enough for you to barely see your hand in front of your face. Leaves and branches crunched under the pink-headed man's weight. Woodline creatures came out creating the sounds of the night, the howling wind blew creating tunes similar to bagpipes. It was almost like you were in the middle of a giant symphonic orchestra the crashing waves added to the effect. Your hands grazed over the trees with every twist and turn. The mysterious stranger took complex routes, you quickly followed after him, your curiosity getting the better of you. "I swear if you keep up these strange things claiming to follow the voice in your head you won't go very far in life." The words of your grandmother rang loud and clear through your head. Even so, you kept following the strange voice that compelled you to act on every impulse you stumbled upon. The hill grew steep and the woods grew thin. The ragging waterfall below was the only thing telling you it was okay to keep going. At last, the man stopped. He let out a long sigh, his warm breath hitting the fridge air, puffs of smoke escaped his lips as he sat on a log and looked up towards the moon.

The sight was breathtaking. He glowed sparkled even. The moonlight danced on his skin making him look like a spirit that you had dreamed up from your overactive mind. If you couldn't feel the pain of your figures pushing your skin so tight together that you could bleed. You most likely would have believed that you had made up the mystery man. You marveled at him listening to the voices in your head telling you to get closer move up to get a better look at him. You swiftly moved up to the closet tree and peeked out from behind it. "You can come out now, I know you're there. I don't bite at least not too hard." The pink-haired man laughed while throwing his head back until you were in view. A grin spread across his face once he locked eyes with you. He was gone in an instance, you blinked and he vanished. "I knew you were following me the moment you started." You felt a muscular arm wrap around your waist, you were yanked off the ground and brought out into the open. Before you could scream the strange man had faced you towards him. He stood with his arms outstretched holding you away from his body.

He examined you from head to toe. This time it was his turn to marvel. You held his gaze doe-eyed and confused with you're big (e/c) eyes, what should have been fear locked away behind your eyes, instead was wonder and curiosity. You held your arms close to yourself, your limbs pulled inward as a slight caution to the man. "Who are you?" You asked in less than a whisper with a soft smile. "Shouldn't I be asking you that question?" He countered while setting you down gently. "(Y/n), (L/n) (Y/n)" You smiled while following after him back to the log. "Now you have to tell me who you are." The man sighed while looking up towards the moon. "Marow, Hisoka Marow." He simply responded before quickly turning his head. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't strike you down where you sit?" The nails on his right hand grew long and sharp. Your blood ran cold once they had been pressed against your neck. You gulped while averting his gaze. Your grandmother had been right. Maybe you shouldn't have followed the voice in your head. You drew in a deep breath through your nose and out your mouth before speaking. "I'm not a threat to you, I don't mean you any harm. If I did I would have acted by now."

You reasoned with another gulp. "Plus it would be messy, the goal is to take your target's pin not .......kill ........them." You squeezed your eyes shut. The wind ruffled your hair, giving you a sign not to panic. Instead, you focused on the ragging waterfall below. If you were to die here then that would be the last sound you would want to hear. Hisoka chuckled removing his hand, resting his elbow on his knee and his head on his palm. You opened one eye slowly staring at the man. Your lips in a slight pout before you opened the other. "I was just kidding. You're not worth the time nor the effort to kill." You sweatdropped. You didn't know if you should be grateful that he didn't think you were worth much or insulted. "I can tell you're strong." Hisoka quirked a brow, he was intrigued. His eyes begged you to explain. "I can tell by your eyes. You've seen a lot and endured so many hardships. Your touch is gentle even though you have the power to kill within an instant. Yet you're still able to smile even though you have seen so many horrible things"

You looked at your feet the last part was jumbled together. "You're right. But the past is in the past and it's made me who I am today." He pointed a pink nail towards himself while tilting his head. "Can you train me?" You blurted out, without thinking. "I mean you don't have to if you don't want if anything I shouldn't have followed you if you want me to leave right now just say the word. I think I've overstayed my welcome." You spoke fast, never once taking a breath of air before shooting up onto your feet. You felt a tug on your cloak, the second tug was hard enough forcing you to sit down. "I said yes already. I see potential in you. And if all fails then I can easily dispose of you" You're eyes sparkled. "I'll do my best then." He only nodded while moving to the grass to lie down. "You should get some rest tonight. Because by day-break things will get exciting."

Two strangers under the moonlight. Hisoka x BLACK READERWhere stories live. Discover now