Chapter Forty-One

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It's currently 9:00 and I'm training. It's been a few days since Clay and I date out in the forest and I've been training everyday. Clay is almost healed but I won't let him train me till the doctor says it's okay for him to train so here we all are. 

Clay and I walk into the training room. Puffy is waiting, she sees us and smiles. I would like to say I have been learning a lot the past few days. I have been getting stronger and smarter. 

"Let's start with the pressure point." Puffy says. I nod as we go up to a dummy while Clay goes and sits down on a bench. Puffy shows me where I need to press to do certain things like temporarily paralyze them. Have them realize me, how to make them pass out after a while of remembering where the pressure points are.

 "Okay, try them on me." Puffy says I look at her like she's crazy she rolls her eyes. 

" You won't kill me you'll be fine." Puffy assured me. 

"Okay." I said she grabbed my arm and I pushed a pressure point on her arm and she released me and she smiled.

 "Good." We do a few more pressure points and they work. We skipped out on the one that makes you pass out after that she lead me to the punching bag I know how to wrap my own hands but Clay make sure he wraps my hands and I just let him because it makes him happy once he wraps my hand he kisses my knuckles. 

I blush at his motion and goes back to his bench. I punch the bag making sure my stance is correct. I did a few kicks here and there once we finished with that it was the time me and Puffy spar. We get into the ring we never hurt each other seriously the most is probably a few bruises and maybe a busted lip. We get into the ring and Clay counts us down. 

"3...2....1 fight" he announced Puffy wasted no time and lunged towards me. I dodged, grabbing her arm and pinning them behind her. I kick her knees in and she falls onto her knees, she tries and tap my hand. 

"Okay, okay you win.'' She says in defeat. I let go of her arms and lent her a hand to stand up. We did a few more rounds and I won all of them except one. One we were done with that we got some target practice which I didn't need but Clay insisted I did. That went well. I got every target in the bullseye, even the moving ones. So finally after 3 hours I am done. Clay and I walk to our room and it looks like Puffy is going to the kitchen.

 "Thank you Puffy." I say to her she just shakes her head. 

"It's not a problem y/n." She responds, and we get to Clay and I's room. I immediately head from the bathroom to take a shower I turn the shower on and see Clay laying on the bed. 

"Don't you have things you need to be doing." I say to him he groans. 

"I am doing something looking at my gorgeous girlfriend." He says, I blush and roll my eyes I walk into the closet and grab a outfit to change into once I get down with my shower I walk out of the closet and I see Clay is gone and I just shrug. He probably went to his office. I make my way into the bath room and shut the door I turn around and jump as the sight of Clay in front of me. 

"Clay you can't do that." I exclaim hitting his hard chest he just smirks at me.

 "I wanted to join you." He says. I shake my head.

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