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Parker) tobey

Hello avengers today your going to react to something very special


But first I have to bring in two more people

Peter 3 and peter 2 walk in

"Oh hey peter" pete  said

"I'm sorry do I know you" peter said

"Well I would hope so " said parker

"You guys must be from the future or something because I haven't meet you guys yet" peter explained

" time travels real here to" pete said in awe

" wdym here? " clint asked

" no no no no no" strange said shaking his head

" ah hello wizard" pete said

" how did you even get here" strange said

" well because of you " parker said

" but that's not possible I cant even think of doing something like that" strange told.the oldest boy

" Do what" Peter asked

" multiverse " pete said

" WHAT" Peter well screamed


" well um take a sit-"

"Peter " they both said

" oh that's cool we have the same names" peter said

Pete and parker looked at each other and shakes there heads " just you wait kid"

Mj and ned are showed shouting at pete

"Oh look it's me, when did I get so tall" peter questioned

"Oh your not" pete laughed

Ned's lola throws a pillow at "Peter " pete: no no it's ok I'm a nice  a guys "

" I sound different as well" peter pointed out

" you sound a lot like little red riding hood" tony laughed

He takes if his mask

" wait ok what" peter stuttered over his words

"Its yours truly " pete smiled

"Are you me" peter asked

" well kinda I me were all are own person from different universe it's hard to explain " Pete told the youngest spiderman

" oh ok cool cool " peter said still having no clue about anything

Mj asked who the hell he was

Peter parker nice to meet you again pete said

He says hes peter parker and hes spiderman from his universe  but yesterday he just appeared

So you've been there for a whole day how did you sleep or  eat " ned asked

"Simple I didn't" he shrugs

" you didnt eat it sleep isn't that bad for your spidey situation going on" tony asked

" let me guess tony stark" parker said

"Yeah why" Tony said

" guess you were right kid " pete told Peter " but I was fine trust me" he answered his question

Peter geeks out about multiverse

"Yep your parker " sam says

Ned brings up something about the spell then Peter asks about a spell mj and ned bricker trying to get ned to shut up

"What spell kid" strange ask

"Umm something about people forgetting something I forgot what we didn't really have much time to talk before we went back" parker said

"So you go back" strange says relived

" dont worry your pointy little wizards hat we went back safe and sound" pete smirked

Mj asks him to prove something he asks what mj says that hes peter parker

"I dont care an ID I'm an anonymous super hero" pete said annoyed

He tells her he doesn't carry and ID on him and she throws bread at him"

" jeez mj what he'd do to deserve that " peter asked

" how would I know it's the future idiot " mj respondeds

" I want a mj" Pete says looking at them

" you'll find her" parker say

"Yeah" Pete says off sure he would like a her but the idea of a him sounded better

He asks her why she did that she says she wanted to see if he had the Peter tingle

" spidey lesson ITS NOT FOR FOOD" Pete yells

He explains he has it just not for bread she picks up the bread again he asks her not to throw it again

" if your not going to do it for him at least do it for the bread" scott says

" the poor bread" cassie says

He calls her a deeply mis-trusting and says he respects then sticks to the ceiling

" you really are me" peter says

"Well I'm mine own person but yeah pretty much "

" mj tells him to crawl around he tells her no"

"Do you realize how embarrassing it is to just crawl around for no reason" pete says

" how would I know "mj asks him

" just figured your Peter would tell you " he tells her

He asks her why he tells her it's not enough he tells its plenty

" I mean how else would I stick to the celling" he ask the air

" anyone ever tell you you talk alot " sam tells him

" all the time" he responds way to proud

They bicker back in fourth wither he should do it or not then she throws bread at him and says do it

" again with the bread" pete says

SHUT UP half the room yells

"Ok ok message received "he tells her

He shakes hes head no lola comes in and asks since hes there can she get the cob webs then asks her since hes up there ned translates it

"That's lola for you" ned laughs

He says sure which causes him to crawl he gets he Lola's says thank you he gets down asks if they good with his mask still In his mouth he realizes takes it out and asks again she says for now and the screen fades black

" that was interesting " steve says


Yw:) hello this is editing me I just made a book where Andrews peter has a mj who's a guy if you think you'll be into that please check it out

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