Childbirth, Lord Vader, Funeral and Separations

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Axel POV

We walk up the stairs see R2 and R3 at the top waiting they move whistling and beeping we walk pass them to see C-3PO coming down the ramp he said "Oh, Master Kenobi, Commander Axel" We walk to the ship "Um, Master Aayla has Miss Padme on board" We walk up the ramp "Yes, please, please hurry" We look at him "We should leave this dreadful place".

Obi Wan tap C-3PO shoulder I nod at him walking pass we see Aayla checking Padme she looks to us Obi Wan place a hand on Padme shoulder I stare at her Padme slowly wakes up sees us she said "Obi Wan, Axel" She breaths "Is Anakin all right" We didn't say anything I look to Aayla and shake my head she understands Obi Wan said "Axel get us out of here".

I nod and walk to the bridge Aayla said "I'll help you" I said "Okay" We climb into the seats and begin to activate the ships we leave the platform and leave Mustafar and Anakin we fly away from the planet Aayla ask "Did you or Obi Wan kill him" I look to Aayla who stares at me I look forward I said "We cut his legs and arms off" I press a few buttons while we fly away.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Anakin robotic arm reach out to grab the rocks he is still alive moaning softly he's trying to pull himself up groaning suddenly a shuttle flies and heads for a platform the wings went up and the shuttle lands while Anakin looks up to hear a Clone call "Your Majesty, this way" Anakin looks down Sidious and the two clones stop at the top of the hill.

Sidious points said "There he is" He saw the state he is in "He's still alive" Anakin turns around looking up Sidious turns "Get a medical capsule immediately" The Clone nods said "Yes, sir" Sidious moves "Right away" The Clone looks to the other and nods they run to get one while Sidious walks down to where Anakin who is moaning softly Sidious kneels down and place a hand on Anakin.

Meanwhile on an asteroid that has a station on it inside Yoda is meditating alone then Organa walks into the room looking at him Organa said "Excuse me, Master Yoda" Yoda opens his eyes and turns to Organa "Obi Wan Kenobi, Commander Axel and Aayla Secura has made contact".

Axel POV

We head for the station going to an open landing area we fly down and land the ship Obi wan picks up Padme we move down the ramp to see Organa meeting us he saw Padme state Organa said "We'll take her to the medical centre" We move "Quickly".

3rd POV

Meanwhile two V-wing ships are escorting the shuttle to a tower on Coruscant raining right now the wings went up and the shuttle lands on the platform and a V-wing lands behind it as four clones walking forward with Anakin on a sketcher with Sidious walking behind them Anakin wearing a mask to breath.

Axel POV

Yoda, Aayla, Obi Wan, Organa and I are watch Padme being treated with C-3PO, R2 and R3 then a D6/GH-7 comes out it stops in front of Obi Wan and I it said "Medically, she's completely healthy" It raise his arms "For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her" Shock Obi Wan ask "She's dying" The Droid said "We don't know why"

It lowers its hands "She has lost the will to live" We stare at it "We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies" Shock I ask "Babies" The Droid said "She's carrying twins" Obi Wan walks pass me I sigh looking at Padme who lies there.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Anakin is on a table and droids begin to work on him putting robotic legs on him attaching it causing Anakin to scream loudly moving his robotic arm before putting it on the table screaming again.

Axel POV

Obi Wan and I are in the room as Padme screams and whimpering giving birth and we hear a baby crying looking to a Chroon-Tan Droid it said "Es-see-tah oy-doh" I look at Padme I said "It's a boy" Padme said "Luke" Luke cries and Obi Wan holds him and lowers Luke to Padme who smiles raising a hand "Oh, Luke".

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