Tommy lost in a forest, what will he do?

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Tommy was lost in a forest. Not the best place to be lost in.

He decided the best way to get... how would you phrase it? Un-lost. Yeah, that made sense. He decided the best way to get un-lost was to just wander, cause then he can't stay lost forever.

So, he started walking.

Obviously, what else was there to do?

He kept on walking, and walking, until he was met with a clearing.


He walked into that, gosh he was doing a lot of walking, and sat down criss-cross smack dab in the middle.

He had heard that if he was ever lost, he should stay in one place so that it would be easier to find him.

Well, he kinda didn't do that before, but oh well, now he was.

Although that kind of defeats the purpose.

Tommy decided to shrug it off and started to pick flowers, weaving them into a miss-matched flower crown, which he set carefully on his head.

Whoa. There was almost plot there.

Tommy stood up, shaken by the thought, and started wandering again, since he already broke the 'stay where you are' rule. It was a dumb rule anyway.

Then, there was a rustle in the bushes in front of him. Tommy picked up a stick, ready to fight off any mobs who dared to mess with him, thinking that they'd survive the wrath of the great Tommyinnit.

Instead of a zombie, or skeleton, a creeper emerged. A very human-like creeper.

Tommy could've sworn he'd seen this person before, though he couldn't recall from where.

"Tommy?" Oh, him. What was his name? Sam, right? He went with that, "Sam?" He asked back.

Sam seemed to be his name, because the man came rushing foreword, "Tommy, you okay?" He asked, worried.

Who does Sam think he is? Of course Tommy's okay.

"Obviously, big man." Tommy said.

Sam seemed satisfied with the answer, "Alright, alright, follow me." He directed.

"What? Why?" Tommy questioned. Is it find-a-random-child-in-the-woods-and-have-them-follow-you day?

"Just trust me." Sam urged. Tommy didn't really see why not, what's the worst Sam could do? Blow him up? Actually, that didn't sound so good, hopefully that wasn't what Sam was doing.

But Tommy followed the creeper hybrid, who led him off the coast and to the ocean, where the prison floated.

Wait what-

"Sam, what the fuck." Tommy asked, though it was more of a statement, as he gawked up at the giant building that wasn't supposed to be there at this point in time.

"I wanted to show you around!" Tommy assumed Sam was smiling under his mask, though it didn't follow to his eyes.

Tommy nodded, though a bit skeptical, "You're not gonna, like, trap me in there because I'm your enemy or something, right?" Tommy asked bluntly.

"No." Sam stated immediately.

Tommy thought for a second, "...Okay." he agreed. What was the worst Sam could do? A lot, actually, as proven earlier. Oh well.

Sam directed Tommy to go in front of him so he wasn't out of the man's line of sight. This was annoying, because how would Tommy know how to get in? Sam continuously had to correct him when he started walking in the wrong direction, but they were eventually in the prison.

The rest was a blur. Sam showed Tommy around, and Tommy thought the whole thing was way too complicated.

He'd asked questions like 'Why'd you make this?' and 'Who are you even gonna put in here?' Which was always responded by something along the lines of 'Just in case'.

Just in case of what? There wasn't no just in case. Tommy thought Sam was just wasting resources.

"Do you want to see the main cell?" Sam asked after a while. Well, if Sam wanted to kill Tommy, he would've done it already, right?

But it seemed like Sam was eager for this, so why didn't he just ask it first? Tommy had no idea. Sam was weird. And so was Dream. And Georgenotfound-who-was-actually-found-well-but-not-anymore. They were all weird.

So Tommy nodded.

Sam did way too many things to drop the lava to an obsidian box. Like, how paranoid was this guy?

But Tommy stood on the platform. He walked with it. He entered the cell and looked around. The platform left. Tommy rustled through the chest. The lava dropped back. Tommy placed the book on the lectern and wrote 'Tommyinnit was here >:D'

Tommy realized it was getting hot, so he turned back to Sam to tell him to get him out of there, but he was just met by lava.

And now Tommy was stuck there with an assortment of books, the miss-matched flower crown, and the stick he was able to hold on to.

Well shit.


This was even more annoying than your Wattpad crashing right before you could publish this chapter. Tommy couldn't believe Sam did this.

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