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From Ethan imagines so ignore the mistakes

Y/ns pov
All Rudy's fans hate me. Why? I don't know, they think "I'm stealing their man" which doesn't make sense because me and Rudy aren't even dating and he's not their man. He's not a object or a property, he's a human.

Currently I'm at my apartment lookin through my comments on my recent and I'm only seeing hate.

I read a comment and tears filled my eyes. Normally i don't let hate get to me but this comment-

I read all the replies to that comment and by the time I was done reading them, I was sobbing

I heard a knock at my front door and immediately remember me and Rudy where supposed to go out today as like a celebration for my birthday as he couldn't be here when it was my birthday.

I decide to just ignore it and make it seem like I'm not here, and hope he doesn't use the key I gave him

"Y/n?! You ok? I knocked and you didn't answer so I used the key. " Rudy yelled

F*ck. I hate everything. I'll still just ignore it. Ok. You can do this y/n.

And f*ck- he opened my bedroom door

"Y/n/n? Are you ok? What's wrong?"

"nothing. I'll be ready soon just go to the living room " you say

"nononono wait a minute. What's wrong? And don't pull the nothing crap. Your obviously crying and I know when you lie "

"your fans hate me so much. And there all hating me because they think "I'm stealing their man" like what does that even mean?! "

"here give me your phone" You do as told and he does something and when you get it back you see he put your account on private and made a thing where certain words can't be said.

"don't change those settings until you feel ready. Ok? " You nod

"come here." You get out of bed and make your way to him, only for him to pull you into a tight hug

"please don't shut me out or try to shut me out, I'm always gonna be here for you. I promise." You nod against his chest

"how about we watch Netflix and cuddle today and tomorrow we will go out?" You nod again so you both get in your bed and watch Netflix the rest of the day while cuddling.

JJ Maybank & Rudy Pankow Imagines Where stories live. Discover now