Chapter 1

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Dib was sitting at his old desk he's had since he was a kid, well, a smaller kid that is, with a "large" head. His window was open, allowing the crisp autumn night breeze to waft into his room. He then noticed a pair of magenta eyes illuminated only by the light from his blinding computer screen. Dib sighed as he slowly turned his chair around to face his worst enemy (and best friend) Zim. "What do you want roach?" Dib said in a slightly annoyed tone. "What're you doing Dib-stink? It's 2AM don't humans need sleep?" "Yeah, we do, and to answer your question I just so happen to be researching my next paranormal location." "And where exactly is this 'paranormal location' ?" "In Louisiana, it's this abandoned house in a swamp, recently people have been going missing in the area."

Zim paused for a second to carefully think over his next words. "Dib, aren't you a 'people'?" "Yeah so?" "Not that I care, however, you seem to fit the criteria for going missing." "Yep! And that's exactly why I'm taking you with me!" "WHAT??" "well y'know wouldn't it be a great opportunity to examine more parts of the earth? Y'know since you're trying to 'destroy' it or whatever." "I suppose, however, Zim does not wish to travel with the likes of you. You're much too stinky and feeble...smeeble." "Well I don't exactly enjoy our time together either." "Then why do you want me to go? Besides you being a perfect candidate for getting abducted and all." "Welllll i can't exactly drive there and I know you just so happen to have a space ship." "Zim knows humans can get drivers licenses at 16+ plus years of age though." "Yeah well, i haven't taken the test yet." "But you're 17?" "Yeah yeah I know, I just don't have time, I'm a busy man y'know?" "Ugh fine, Zim will take you." "Nicee, now go, we have skool today and i really don't wanna fall asleep in class more times than usual." "Whatever Dib-beast."

~~~Time skip~~~

Zim had sat in wait for the time of 6AM to roll around so he may begin walking towards his "skool". He began to pile his books in his bag as he made his way out the front entrance of his lair. Thankfully Zim didn't have to walk too far since he was close to the bus stop. He soon arrived and decided against sitting on the bench since so many disgusting human smeets have contaminated it. Soon though the bus arrived so he could continue the agonizing journey to skool. Soon enough the bus arrived at its destination. As Zim hopped off the bus he spotted Dib approaching the skool's front entrance. Zim hurried after him so he could promptly make fun of him. "Hey Dib-stink." "What do you want, space boy?" "Your demise." "Haha funny." Zim and Dib soon parted ways as they approached the first period. They both knew it was gonna be a long Friday morning of useless information.

~~~Time skip~~~

Eventually the last bell rang signaling their soon-to-be freedom from the clutches of skool. Finally Zim met Dib at the skool's exit where they soon began walking towards Zim's house. "So we still gonna head over to the ghost house?" Dib asked. "Zim fails to see any reason not to, so in other terms, yes." "Cool, cool.." The rest of their journey was filled with awkward silence until they made it to Zim's base.
"Zim will allow the Dib to come inside, don't touch anything unless you're given permission to do so." "Really?" "Don't make Zim think twice about his decision." "Okay okay." Dib followed Zim as he made his way into the living room. "Gir, we're going out for a while, please do minimal damage." "HI MARY!!!" Zim sighed as he called for his computer assistant "COMPUTER!! TAKE US TO THE VOOT CRUISER!!" "Ugh fine whatever." Zim and Dib then begin to descend into an elevator type contraption which takes them to the room holding Zim's "voot cruiser". "Get in Dib-beast." "Whatever you say I guess." They both hop into the voot cruiser and begin their journey.

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