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10 years later

Ahh if you didn't forget me the captured 10 yo old Arcues and if ya didn't guess Ash is getting his starter today and he can't hear me cuase I'm in ma pokeball so im free to tell you guys what I want.

A/N- No your not i am the author and I decide what you tell, understood.

Yes random author voice. So anyways it's been 10 years can you believe it! And I have no idea why they didn't let the news that Ash caught a baby Arcues was kept from going out of pallet town but ok, I am thankful.
Timeskip to next day

Ash has a pikachu which actually not   bad as I thought he knows some moves like thunder bolt, tackle, quick attack, and somehow volt tackle! Well still nice of him to have a op move on lvl 5 lol. Ah yes I forgot to tell you I am lvl 10,000,000 cuase hell ya i am Arcues normally pokémon's are mostly max lvl 100 legendary is 200 and mythical is 150 but I am a God and a legendary pokémon so I start off as lvl 1 and max limit is infinite so yeah I am basically a cheat for Ash lol. Ooh he called me out let's see, hmm he appears to be fighting brock and turn out pikachu fainted hah weakling. Ok anyways >-< I will use splash cuase I wouldn't wanna destroy flint's gym and yes the gym was still flooded glad I didn't use something like surf...

Geodude fainted and when brock called onix out lets say he is drowning... Onix use stone edge! Excuse me this is unfair onix didn't know stone edge in the series! But anyways... stone edge hit me it felt like somebody threw a feather on me lol I am op nothing can beat me except a ultra-Necrozma or an adult Arcues. Yeah I don't wanna think about that do I that will hurt a lot lot lot lot lot a lot!

Ash got his first gym badge and pikachu is looking like a expired mayonnaise wonder if he's okay. Ash gave me a pat on my head I like it, and he doesn't really give me commands on what to use cuase I know better than him and he is still a 12 yo old. Next up we will be going to the pokémon center which stands out like a tomato in a basket of footballs lol. To my surprise brock also had a golem how this is a bit off but he still joined the team and I just wish misty dies and doesn't join us I hate her but togepi was cute but misty I don't think even I can handle her.

Timeskip 2 months

Me, Ash and pikachu along with a ho-oh, mew, and rayquaza have made it  and now we all await the pokémon championship and don't question how the other three legendaries joined us ill give you a hint Pokémon God Archon at lvl 100,000,000,000,000 yes you heard that right i am that high of a lvl I feel like I can beat anything! aah yes btw we have beaten the gym circuit in world record time of 2 months and the previous record holder Red beat the gym circuit in 8 months so yeah I count that as a win.

Reincarnated as Arcues{Pokémon World}Where stories live. Discover now