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I was in a deep slumber, on a peaceful night. Tons of thoughts passed my mind, just like usual.

Though the stars were scattered across the sky, the moon still shined high up. I never really thought on why there was such a coincidence that there was the sun, moon, earth and all the other planets, aligned together to just make a feeling of nothingness revolve around me. Yet it was peaceful. My eyes were fixed on the moon whose light fell on the rock that floated around and round, in the empty space called "The universe." 

There was a cold, yet calm, breeze that my fingertips were soothed by. 'Tonight is gonna be shorter than the rest." My friend, Noelle, said in a tone that somewhat calmed me in a deadly silence. 

"I wish I knew why the world came to this."

Noelle said, after a bit of a pause. The breeze just fluttered around the sky, as she spoke. "Do you think we'll survive, just one last time?" I asked her. I did sound a bit worried. "We probably won't. But if we do, we wouldn't remember. Goodnight, or er... rather... Goodbye, Amarill." She said, with such mournful eyes.

We hugged one last time, just like we did when she left after she came for a stay-over. But this time was quite... No. Very different. We looked at the sky which was diamonds all over, but a comet arose, hidden, from the sight of its beauty. I said goodbye one last time. One last time. I watched as the rock that floated come closer, closer... Until it struck.

I had accepted fate for a very long time. Fate, as it as, is given to be accepted, no matter what. No matter what, just like my mother had repeated in my childhood. She would say the same thing again, again, ag-

I felt a nudge on my shoulder. I couldn't quite remember what had happened.

What happened? 

I didn't question it though, I just went on with the flow of the sounds of the birds chirping with ecstasy. It was a morning with the sidewalks, or were sidewalks, paved with creepers and climbers and trees surrounding it.

"W-Where am I?" I stuttered, stumbling as I was trying hard to get up and stand up straight. Though I wasn't. 

"Wh-" I looked around. I couldn't quite remember whatever seemed to have passed by. "What happened?" I asked, slowly, looking around, processing everything. The girl next to me with a light blonde hair which faded away into a light violet seemed to have the same expressions and feelings as I did. She wore a grey shirt and a jacket with a colour of a darker grey which seemed a 101 years old. Well, I had to specific, didn't I? 

"Do I look like I know? I mean, we appeared in the middle of a darn forest which seems to have NO WAY OUT-" She was beginning to scream, but I tried calming her down. Keyword: tried. "Okay, Okay, I get it. You don't look blind but there is a uh, cabin over there." I said, assuring her, or probably, mocking her eyesight as she looked at the cabin made of wood all wide-eyed. 

"Okay, fair point. But that cabin could be filled with tourists or some damned people we don't f*cking know! We are literally in an Amazon rainforest from- from Walmart!" She blurted out. For someone who looked so calm, she really was... Uh.. vulgar. "Well, we won't know unless we take a look." I said, clearly irritated by how her tone was raising every second. "Well man, f*ck you!" She said, not minding her language. "Well, if we both don't know a single thing on how on earth we wound up here, that too together looking like we came from a dar- darn war, torn to shreds, and IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!" I said, starting to speak up. She looked like she had the urge to argue, but she equally hated me and agreed with me at that point. 

"Well then, get searching or something." She said angrily. "Like I'd stand here searching for nothing that comes to my benefit." I said with my eyebrows pulled close together and my eyes bulging with the corners of my mouth slightly turned downwards. Basically, I was angry.

The sun shined brighter than the stars... The stars...

Why did I feel the need to remember something? But just... Couldn't? 

I gathered oakwood that seemed to have passed away from a tree so that I could start a fire to keep my self warm. The girl which I had met earlier gathered some huge leaves, so we could make a tent and sleep on. Well, we could just sleep on the rough ground.

But it took forever for night to come. Stars... I felt like I needed to remember that. Night. Moon. Some extra words that needed to pile up and be remembered. But it had just drifted away in my mind... It felt surreal, the only thoughts of mine that kept on intruding the others were these. I remembered some calm voice, and a lovely breeze. But just something just rose to my attention was...

I remembered.

Or I wish I didn't.



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