Trina's pov

I opened my eyes to the feeling of me being poked by the side
"What's that?"
I looked up and saw a man, looking so beautiful like an angel,with his face looking so spotless I couldn't even find any acnes on his face,didn't he go through puberty or what ?
Ohhhhhh Jesus his voice is so deep I could get lost listening to him all day long he's so dreamy,could this be love at first-
"I know I'm pretty but do you really need to stare at me like I'm some piece of meat? "
Okay the love I had for him just vanished
"What happened" I asked him
"You saw a pretty man for the first time in your life and you blacked out "
"And who said you were pretty?"
He came so close to my face, being the bitch that I am I didn't move
"You did,your face gave you away wen you looked at me "
"Oh please"
I got up and dusted the dirt on my dress
"You nmust be single right?" he asked
"Yh,I am how did you know"
"Your outfit, it's trash,no husband or boyfriend would date anyone dressed like you "
"For someone I just met, you're quite annoying"
"I'll take that as a compliment"he smiled at me
"What do you want?"
"I am here to set you free from your bondage"
"Drama queen, please be serious,I was busy before you came "
"I'm serious,I came to help you,I was sent by the moon goddess,you've lost touch with your wolf,I'm here to help you get back in touch with her"
"Bullshit, there is no moon goddess "
"So you believe that wolf exists buy that there is no moon goddess ?"
"Yes "
"You are more stupid than I thought you were"
I was starting to get angry with all the nonsense he will spilling out
"Moon goddess, she exists huh? So where was she wen my parents were killed for fun? Why didn't she help them? My dad was very special because he was one of those who could access her anytime he wanted ,he ran errands of all sort for her but wen he needed her she couldn't help. Fuck the so called moon goddess"
"Don't speak Ill of her "
"I'm not speaking ill of her,I'm only saying the truth"
I was furious,so angry ,I didn't notice he touched my shoulders till I felt something rush through me that calmed me down
"I'll see you another time" he said i turned around but he already disappeared
"Wait,what's your name ?"
I looked at the ground and saw sticks arranging themselves to form a word ,it spelt "W-i-l-l-i-a-m-s"
"You didn't have to flunt your powers in my face dummy "

I turned to go back to the cottage when I saw,a man looking at me with his deep blue eyes then I felt something tugging me at the back of my head then I heard a faint voice saying 'MATE'.

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