Chapter One

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Story: Broken Yet Brave
Chapter One: Letters and Trails

*Harry's PoV*
It was a fine day. No job. A peaceful day with Ginny. Just perfect for us.

I was in the attic, sorting out our wedding photographs with my wife. It had been a month since we got married and it was the best month of my life. I had no fears right now besides closed spaces and pigeons maybe. Who likes to clean the mess they make? No, not me definitely. I smiled as I saw photo of Ginny and myself, taken after Ron gave his best man's speech. We were grinning in that photo and Ginny looked as gorgeous as ever.

"Ha, look at this, Harry," she said and I turned to look at the photo she was showing. Professor McGonagall looked like Dumbledore in it. She had a long white beard and wore purple robes. George, along with Bill had managed to prank her. This received a lot of scolding from the Professor as well as Mrs Weasley though the former wore a smile while ranting. I smiled at Ginny. It was a very funny memory after Fred's . . . death. George had finally managed to get out of the post war trauma and losing Fred after three years.

"Come on, love. It's almost noon. Let's have lunch," I suggested and Ginny smiled. She nodded and got up. I got up as well and with a flick of my trusty wand, I cleared the mess. With that settled, we made our way downstairs and into the kitchen.

I turned the stove on as Ginny brought some eggs out of the refrigerator. I really loved cooking along with Ginny. We hum tones together, sometimes of muggle songs, share little moments while the water boils and what not?

She smiled at me as she set the bowl down. I was about to walk over to her when I heard a hoot and a small tapping on the window. I turned around and saw a brown barn owl holding a letter in its beak. I walked over to the window and let it in. Taking the letter from it's beak, I gave it an owl treat. It happily hooted and flew away as I opened the Daily Prophet. I looked at the letter along with it. It was addressed to me.

"What is it, Harry?" Ginny asked, walking over to me and looking at the letter over my shoulder.

My eyes widened as I read the Prophet. I could sense Ginny reading it too.

Minister for Magic Assassinated! New Minister appointed!

Earlier this day, precisely at 4 AM, the daily prophet received news of late Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt's assassination. "Assassin is currently unknown," says Head Auror John Dawlish. Senior Undersecretary, Dolores Umbridge is reprieved of her Azkaban punishment to take the post of Minister of Magic. Aurors' presence is requested by the Head of Auror Department. What will the new minister do now? Is she a capable one? We, at the Daily Prophet shall bring to the readers, the answers to that questions when we ourselves find them.

For more information about Minister Shacklebolt's assassination, turn to page 3.

For more information about New Minister of Magic, Dolores Umbridge, turn to page 13.

I let Ginny read the Prophet as I took the letter and unfolded it.

Mr Potter,
Your presence is requested in Courtroom Number 7. Please be present before 10 AM.

Mafalda Hopkirk

My eyes widened at that. Perhaps they had found the assassin of Kingsley and wanted aurors to escort him for a trial. I felt grief wash through me as I thought about my 'big boss'. He was a very friendly man, despite his scary appearance. I sighed and switched the toast off. It was already 9:30 AM. I will not be able to have breakfast else I would get late. I quickly told Ginny and went upstairs to take a quick shower.


(Third Person PoV)

"Take care, okay? I'll wait for you," Ginny said, straightening Harry's tie.

"Our day is taken, eh? Don't worry I'll return soon and we will go out for a park or something." Ginny nodded and kissed him. He returned it but soon she backed away.

"Go now. You are getting late." He nodded and hugged her one last time before stepping out of his house and apparating to the apparition safe zone in the Atrium of the Ministry.


"Potter!" came the hoarse voice of Dawlish. Harry turned around and faced the head of his department who had a serious expression.

"Good mo-" Harry started but was quickly cut off by the Head.

"This is not the time. You are expected to hand over your wand and enter courtroom seven!" He barked out. Harry raised his eyebrows. Why would they ask an auror to go wandless to duty? "Do what I say, Potter!" He said harshly causing Harry to nod before scurrying away to the lifts.

Harry took the lifts to the courtrooms. Everyone present in the lift were staring at him. Some people had expressions of sympathy and some wore - angry expressions. . .?

He walked, looking absolutely clueless, to courtroom seven. Before he could enter, a second year auror and an auror cadet stopped him and confiscated his wand. They proceeded to check him over and then the second year auror stealthily muttered the curse to bind his hands together. Harry could no longer take it.

"What's with the binds? I am Auror Harry Potter!" He said. The two aurors gave him apologetic smiles. "What?" he asked in disbelief but before he could say anything more, the door to the courtroom opened and he was pushed in.

He saw a pink lady - oops, a lady clothed in pink sitting at the head. As soon as she looked at him, memories of his fifth year flooded his mind. Yes, it was Umbridge. She was the minister right now but he did not understand why he was being treated like a criminal. He was led to the standalone chair and made to sit down. Déjà vu of his fifth year was frighteningly coursing through him as he found several known Death Eaters sitting in the Wizengamot chairs. Eaters who he had arrested, not less than five days ago were present with a smug look. No, this was terribly wrong. The doors opened and the person who he wanted to see terribly, walked in, looking pale. Her brown eyes were filled with shock and. . . fear as it met his green ones. She shook her head and Harry got the message. This was, once again, the wrong trial for Harry James Potter. . .

Okay? This is where I end it. Even I am clueless as to why I stopped it here. I made serious changes and strayed away from canon, yup but in my defense, this is my story. ;)

As for their ages, Harry is 20 and Ginny is 19. As far as the canon says (and my maths) they were together for a year before marrying. Hopefully it makes sense.

So, why do you think is Harry arrested? This is my first romance novel so it might be bad... Marina edits out the mistakes though. I hope it is okay. I will try to upload the next chapter soon. Have a nice day!

Miyoko x

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