chapter_ 1

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[I wrote this chapter over a year ago, ignore the bad grammar and sentence structures]


You, still hesitating of looking for help, saw an old couple walking across the fields, going for a walk.

You'd change your form into an innocent young girl, dirty clothes having rips on the fabric all over, a little bloody.. tears with some fake acting.

You'd run up to the couple, screaming for desperate help.

"HELP!" -you'd shout, still not sure about what country your were in right now.

"PLEASE HELP ME!" -you'd scream again, now standing infront of the two humans. Crying and shaking to look like a innocent child, scared for her life.

One of the humans, being a male, kneeled down, looking at you with an worried expression on his face.

"We.. no speak english-" -the old man said, looking up to the woman, asking her what to do.

"..Wir nehmen die kleine zur Polizei-" -said the woman. ("We're going to bring her to the police station")

"okay.. we will help, okay little girl?" -the man asked, standing up, letting you walk with them, each of them holding your hand.

"..ihr ist bestimmt kalt, ihre Hand ist eiskalt!" -said the woman, taking off her jacket, giving it to you. ("she's probably cold, her hand is freezing!")

"..danke" -you'd say, finally realising the humans were germans. You were in germany, great-

You'd walk with the couple till you arrived at the so called 'Polizeistation', entering the building.

"Guten Abend, wie kann ich ihnen helfen?" -asked the receptionist/ officer, noticing you.
("Good evening, how may I help you?")

"Wir sind beim spazieren auf den Feldern auf dieses kleine Mädchen gestoßen, sie hat auf englisch.. vermute ich, um hilfe geschrien-" -said the woman, trying to comfort you, petting you across your back. ("We came across this little girl as we were going for a walk on the fields, she screamed in english.. I think, for help-")

"Oh.. Hey kid, can you tell me what happened back there on the fields, why were you screaming for help?" -asked the police officer, standing up from his chair, kneeling down infront of you.

"..there was a man, he did something to my mother, she wouldn't move anymore.. so I ran away as he came for me-" -you'd lie, fake crying, at which you were really good at.

"..hey, it's okay, you're save here. Do you want anything to drink or eat?" -asked the officer, getting a blanket from behind the reception counter.

The officer took the jacket off of you, giving it back to the couple, thanking them, asking them for personal infromation, letting them leave.

The officer wrapped you in the warm and soft blanket, making you feel safe but defenseless..; what if the foundation found you again-

The officer sat you down on a chair in a office, leaving the room, coming back with a cup of hot chocolate.

"Are you lactose intolerant?" -asked the officer, putting the cup down.

"No-" -you'd say, taking the cup, drinking a little, just so you'd still give the play of an innocent child.

"Can you tell me what your name is?" -asked the officer, typing something on his computers keyboard.

"I'm.. Ava" -you'd say, thinking of what you should do now, not knowing what personal infromation you could give next.

"..can I go to the bathroom?" -you'd ask, putting the empty cup down.

"of course, it's the last door down the corridor!" -the officer said, pointing to the door.

He'd let you go by yourself, proceeding to do something on his computer.

You'd walk down the corridor, noticing just as you arrived at the bathrooms door where they stored the weapons in this police station.

'Did the officer have a gun with him-? I should be able to escape anyways.. by foot-!? no-' -you'd think, hesitating of just leaving the officer behind.

Finally thinking of a plan you'd change your form into an man in his 20's, black hoodie and sweatpants, looking like the 'man' that could've possibly murdered the little girls mother.

You'd lock pick the weapon rooms door, entering, grabbing an 9mm glock, putting it away in your back pocket.

Just to add to the play, you still climbed out the bathrooms window, it was too tiny for a human to fit trough, but not for you-

You'd re-enter the police station, ringing a bell on the reception counter.

"..Eine Sekunde!" -shouted the officer from one of the rooms. (" second!")

"Gutend Abend, wie kann ich helfen-?" -asked the officer, having the look of danger and missbelieve in his eyes as he noticed you. ("Good evening, how may I help-?")

"..Tschuldigung dass ich so spät störe, aber ich hab von Freunden mitbekommen dass Ava hier ist-?" -you'd say, using the bits of german knowlegde you have. ("..sorry for bothering that late in the evening, but I've been told by friends that Ava is here-?")

"Wir hatten noch niemanden kontaktiert-" -said the officer, squinting his eyes at you in missbelieve, looking around for his gun.

"Die Freunde hatten Ava gefunden und hier hergebracht, zumindest haben beide es mir so gesagt" -you'd say, getting ready to shoot the guy at any given moment. ("The friends were the ones that found and brought Ava here, at least they told me so")

You'd quickly pull the gun, hitting the shot on the officer neck, bringing him to his knees, letting him bleed.

"SCHE*ßE!" -screamed the officer in pain. ("SH*T/ F*CK!")

"Okay.. you've got me-" -you'd laugh in enjoyment of his pain, kneeling down to him.

"Ava doesn't exist, this isn't real, I need a car to get away from here-" -you'd say, changing the form of your hand, showing its voidlike black claw hand.

The officer sat there in fear, not moving, holding the bullet wound from bleeding out.

The officer snapped out of it, pointing to an cabinet behind him, starting to cough up blood.

You'd open the cabinet, seeing keys for the police cars, noticing the only different key, being for an Motorcycle.

"Is it your bike?" -you'd ask, smiling, seeing the officer bleeding out, already getting pale in the face.

The officer nodded, spitting blood, waiting for you to finish whatever you were trying to accomplish with all of this.

"Oh, don't think I'll shoot you- I'll rather decapitate you" -you'd say, laughing in madness, changing your hand to an scythe, being the black voidlike hand again.

You quickly decapitated the officers head, seeing the head roll away.

Grabbing the motorcycle keys, hesitating to leave, you'd leave a message in the blood of the officer on the wall.. it was boring to wait for the foundation to catch up with you again anyways-

written in blood you'd leave: "8490"

Finally satisfied with your 'artwork' you left the police station, starting up the motorcycle, driving away, just away as far as possible to still have an head start from the Scp- Foundation.

let the hunting begin..

..first chapter of the new book, hope you guys enjoyed it-! :]

updates on the chapters will take a while.. as always-

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