|Christmas Announcement and 2022|

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Good day all, it's your favorite author once again communicating with you!

In today's chapter, I just want to talk about what's going to happen to you know... everything.

So go grab something to eat and put yourself comfortable because this might take a bit.

Oh btw, Merry Christmas!

This chapter was supposed to be uploaded yesterday when it was still Christmas, but well you know I have to spend time with my family and all that I didn't have enough time to write.


So... let's see I'm gonna start talking about this story and everything related with.

So as you might know already this wasn't my best year in this story since I couldn't write as much as I would want to mainly because I was finishing school and well, I have a lot of things to take care of such as studying, for example, unfortunately, I'm the type of student that spends most of his time studying haha...

At least for now I'm not going to stop writing this story, with the amount of support that I received it's enough motivation to keep updating this Azur Lane Fanfic that is slowly developing and that maybe will come to an end someday? I can't confirm that yet though hahaha...

To be honest, I even lost count of how many chapters there are in this Fanfic? I think is around 29? or 30? I'm not sure at all.

While I also have my ideas and way to write, I tend to get blocked by myself, you know what they call Writer's block? well, I tend to have that very often and it's very annoying because I can't finish writing chapters since I start to think that is not good enough or that is gonna be boring for the readers which can be either true or not, I do believe I never ask you guys what you think of all this whole story, just feel free to tell me your opinion on this story, I would appreciate it a lot, your opinion does really help me to improve!

I have also received some ideas from some readers that in some way help me to improve my writing and to slightly modify the plot of this whole story, which I really appreciate :)!

So... now comes the interesting part, it's time for some spoilers for the story >:)!

Basically, I have around... 8? or maybe 10 draft chapters that I haven't published yet because they need more... improving? I think that's the word I was looking for.

But, you're probably wondering or maybe not... what are those chapters about?

Mainly there are around... 5 chapters directly related to the main lore of the story, however, there's one which would be very important, and that one is called...

|The Hunt For Bismarck|

This chapter over here would be the continuation of |Fight For Freedom| which as you might already know is the latest chapter I have written and that I upload a few days ago.

So... I don't want to give a lot of spoilers about it, but as the title says it's mainly related to Iron Blood and Bismarck and in the chapter, the Commander will be fighting against her!
Yeah just wait for it, I should have it ready for the next week if I manage to somehow finish writing it.

The continuation of this chapter would be mainly related to the Sardegna Empire, just wait and see, alright?

There are also 2 chapters related to the Commander's past which I'm very excited to upload because they will explain more about how Y/N becomes a Commander.

And of course, I also have tons of special chapters that I will upload when I finish writing them, I have... a lot to write actually haha...


And now comes an explanation of what happened to the other stories that I have uploaded and I never continue them.

So, if you follow me or just like my stories you might have read my other 3 stories which 2 are from games and the other one is a fanfic that I created by myself.

So... what happened to those stories? and why I don't continue them anymore?

Here's the thing, as you see I barely have time to write and upload for this story means that I really can't upload the rest of the stories because I didn't have enough time in the past.

This makes me think that I should just focus on keeping this story updated while I figure out what to do with the other ones.

So I decided to delete all of them except the fanfic I created by myself and start again creating other stories.

Yep, that's right for the million times Dual is planning on once again writing more stories even though he's not able to keep them updated :D!

I thought... since people like so much this Azur Lane Fanfic I should make more stories related to the game!

So basically I'm planning on creating three Azur Lane stories!

One which is pretty similar to this one except that instead of the reader being the Commander is going to be an Iron Blood ship.

And the other two are still secret, but I'll tell you guys more about them in the future.

So! I think that's all I need to tell related to the story.


Now... comes the more personal part...
Like always you don't need to read this, I just write it to clear a bit my mind :).

Well, It's been... a really rough year for everyone and it wasn't easy to reach this far, as I told you before in one of the chapters I was suffering from what you could call depression and it was really affecting my whole life, not only online since for example I couldn't write in Wattpad, but also in a more personal way where I even distance myself from many people I knew.

My entire life didn't have a motivation and I always just wake up and ask myself if there was any reason to keep going? it was really annoying because I don't like to be sad, I'm not the type of person you would see crying or just being sad, I always try to cheer up myself saying that maybe tomorrow will be a better day and that in some way help me to keep my head up at least for some time.

I couldn't either tell this to my friends because well... I was afraid they would just make fun of me for trying to gain some attention.

The thing is that... I find a motivation.

I fell in love with someone and I remember that person just makes my days to be better in every way I can think of.
Whenever I saw her I feel suddenly better and more calm and that... help me a lot during my daily journey.

I thought... that it would be better if I just confess all my feelings towards her and maybe I would have a chance.

Guess what? I just get rejected :,)
But then I thought, screw it who needs someone to be happy anyways?

From there I just decided to keep moving even if I don't have the motivation to wake up in the morning, I just keep moving and see what happens tomorrow and the next day, next week, next month, and next year.

Phew... I think I wrote a lot, sorry about that I didn't the chapter to be that long haha...

Thank you though, because I received a lot of comments from everyone here cheering me up and making me feel better.

I don't have enough words to appreciate the amount of support that you guys have given me during this last time, never change please :).

That's all I believe, these are the announcement for 2022 and hopefully, it would be a better year for everyone.

Have a Happy New Year!

And remember, always keep a smile on your face no matter the situation.


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