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Hermione walked toward the Library at a brisk pace. She had until Christmas to look for a way home, and if she couldn't find one - she'd have to stay here.

It's not that she didn't want to change the outcome of the war for the better - she did! But it would be extremely risky; she could accidentally trigger events that make it so Voldemort wins the war, or that the world is a darker place than she left it.

If she could get back, she would - it wouldn't be worth the risk. But if she was stuck here, she was going to change everything.

As Hermione entered the library, she began searching for books on time travel. She darted in and out of each section, but there wasn't a single book that referenced the Department of Mysteries research, time travel, or new experiments. She didn't expect to find any, but the result was still disappointing.

Glancing at her watch, she saw that she still had twenty minutes until her first class started. Hermione sighed, and made a mental note to check the room of requirement that night for books on time travel. She pulled out a stack of parchment and transfigured it into a hardcover muggle notebook.

Then, she charmed it with nearly every protection charm she knew, including an anti-summoning charm, a charm that made it so only she could read and open it, and one that gave a nasty hex to whoever tried to open it, the darker the intent, the more painful the hex. She also placed a tracking charm on it, so she would always know where it is, and a fail safe. The whole notebook would be destroyed if she said a trigger phrase that she made. Also, if she died or said a specific phrase, the notebook would reveal itself to Remus Lupin, who she had always thought to be the most level headed marauder.

Finally, she pulled out a quill and began writing, making sure to write the date at the top of each page she wrote in. First, she documented all of her knowledge about what sent her to this time period. Two spells, one gold and the other a pure white, sent by Dolohov and Rabastian LeStrange, both hit her from opposite sides while she had been dueling Rodolphus LeStrange. She was standing outside of Borgin and Burkes, in Knockturn Alley, so she wouldn't be surprised if there was a magical artifact that was in the shop that helped as well. She noted how it was strange she went through both time and space, landing in a Hogwarts corridor instead of outside the shop in Knockturn Alley. She also noted the strange de-aging she went through, making her appear four years younger than she actually was.

Then, she started on a list of things she wanted to do in 1976, should she have to stay, starting with making sure Peter never had a reason to become a Death Eater. Before she could finish, however, muffled voices came from outside the library. She quickly put her notebook in her bag, stood up, and strode out of the library.

"Hermione! Class starts in five minutes, let's go!" Sirius yelled from behind James, who was jumping on Sirius to try to get his wand back, which was dangling in Sirius' outstretched hand.

"I'm not even going to ask," She murmured, rolling her eyes. Sirius tossed James' wand in the air and walked to her, completely disregarding his best friend, who snatched his wand out of the air and sent a stinging hex at Sirius in one fluid motion.

Sirius, not even fazed, continued to store up to Hermione and attempted to take her bag from her, but Hermione wasn't having it.

"Black, I'm perfectly capable of carrying my bag on my own," She said, slapping his hand away.

"How do you even know that's what I was planning on doing? How presumptuous of you,"

"Really? Well, do tell, if not trying to take my bag, what were you trying to do with your hand on my bag?"

"I'll have you know that there are plenty of things-"

"As much as I enjoy watching this, we're going to be late to transfiguration," Remus said, looking amused.

"Right you are," Hermione said and smiled at Remus, walking past all four boys.

She stopped when she didn't hear any footsteps behind her, and looked over her shoulder.

"Are you coming, or not?"

Sirius grinned, walking over to her, the rest of the boys not far behind.

The five of them managed to get to transfiguration only just before McGonagall walked in, and Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, glad she wasn't late on her first day of classes.

"Today we will be working on transfiguring an animate specimen into an inanimate object. We have worked on the theory for the last two weeks, and we are starting on practical today. Please take out your wands, tap on your specimen three times, and say this

incantation: Vera Verto. This will turn an animated specimen into a water goblet," McGonagall explained, "For example; one, two, three, Vera Verto!"

Many of the students clapped as the raven shrunk into an intricate water goblet, and Hermione hid a smile at how similar the lesson was to her sixth year.

She observed Remus, who was sitting next to her. He was doing the pronunciation right, as well as the wand movements, but he was putting raw power into his spell instead of controlled magic, which made his goblet very plain when he finally transfigured it. It would wear him out quickly with prolonged use of magic, like in a duel.

Realizing McGonagall was looking at her, Hermione silently changed her raven into a water goblet that was just as beautiful as McGonagall's, who lifted her eyebrows in surprise, but chose not to comment.

Hermione then turned toward Sirius, who was sitting on her other side. He was flaring his wand slightly, but his magic was controlled and deliberate, putting the right finesse on his goblet, but the incorrect wand movement made it too fragile. James had gotten it perfectly after a few tries, and Hermione could tell he was holding himself back from bragging, instead mindlessly transfiguring the goblet back into a raven and then into a goblet again.

Peter, on the other hand, looked as if he barely scaled through his O.W.L.S., as his wand was jabbing the raven, and he put emphasis on the wrong syllables of the spell. He seemed to be forcing his magic out rather than channeling it, and Hermione could tell after only a few seconds of observation.

When the class dismissed, McGonagall called Hermione back, so she waved the marauders ahead, insisting she would catch up.

"Your spell work is impeccable, especially for someone so young; did you already learn this spell at Beauxbatons?"

"No, I only went to Beauxbatons for my first two years of study, but I did a year of self study at home. Dumbledore helped me find a wonderful tutor!" She said, putting some enthusiasm into her words, hoping it seemed truthful enough.

"Did he?" McGonagall said, though it seemed she had said it more to herself then to Hermione.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore helped me a lot throughout my school years," She said, laying the foundation of her cover story, "My parents even named him my magical guardian before they passed,"

"I am sorry for your loss," She replied, and paused before saying anything else.

"Forgive me, but your parents were muggles, were they not?" McGonagall inquired, obviously not trying to be rude, but Hermione could tell she was incredibly curious.

"Er.. yes, they were. I was offered a place at Hogwarts, and he came to explain a few things to me and my parents, but due to some... circumstances, we decided it was best if I went to Beauxbatons instead, but that didn't work out, and we decided I would do better at Hogwarts, but I wanted to do a year of homeschooling in between, to make sure I was up to the higher standards, but I read ahead quite a bit, and Professor Dumbledore let me take my O.W.L.S over the summer after I passed my fourth and third year exams, since he said I was ready!" Hermione lied, feeling a twinge of regret at the cover story.

"I must say, all you accomplished in a year is very impressive,"

"I was taught well," She said, blushing at the compliment.

"Yes, you were, if your performance in my class was anything to go by. I look forward to teaching you this year, Ms. Granger,"

"Thank you ma'am," Hermione said, smiling. She knew McGonagall would ask Dumbledore about her in his office, and she needed him to have a reason to tell McGonagall her full cover story, so the transfiguration teacher could help her out if she was ever in trouble.

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