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Warning: abuse, swearing, and violence

- Third person POV-

Sam and Bucky was fighting an organization called the evil organization.
*I know very creative name*
They were trying to get something but no one knew what it was yet.

Bucky was fighting them on the other side of the building with Sam. After beating the shit out of  five of the bad guys he turned around to see if Sam was there but he wasn't. He didn't thought about it so much cause he thought Sam when back to the compound. That was until he got to the compound to see that Sam wasn't there.

"Clint have you seen Sam?" Asked Bucky

"Sorry no I thought he was with you Bucky."

"But I thought he came back here. He wasn't there after when I left. OH SHIT THEY HAVE SAM!!! SHIT BIRD BRAIN WHAT DO WE DO!!???"

Bucky started to have a panic attack. He didn't know why he was worried about Sam, he hated him, but right at this moment that the only thing he was worried about.


Sam woke up in a dark, cold, dirty room. One of his leg was chained to the wall and he was covered in bruise and cuts from getting dragged in here. Then two men enters the room, a young tall man, and a short doctor holding something.

"What do you want from me?" Sam asked

The taller man responded to him "To observe you awhile Mr Wilson."

"I don't have a choice in this situation I'm guessing"

"That is correct Mr. Wilson" the doctor said.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

For the first two I weeks the tall man and the doctor just entered every day at random time give Sam food and then force him to take random pill and if he didn't take it the would cut or burn Sam's skin. They burned Sam's skin 6 times and cut it 5 times.

But today was different, three men came in the room, the tall man and the doctor as usual but a middle age came with them.
He had blonde hair, blue eyes and look like a rip-off Captain America.
That was not the only strange think, the doctor had a bag with her and they didn't bring food for Sam this time.

The young man walked up and gave Sam two pills.

"Take both of these." The man said

"No" Sam responded

"Fine we need to do it the hard way"

The young man grabs a knife from his pocket and kneels down the Sam level and looks at him for a minute. Suddenly he grabs Sam arm and slowly cuts it.
The doctor turned her head away when she saw it happened.

Sam flinch but pretended that it didn't hurt to see if the man would leave him alone.

The young man got up and hands the Sam the pills again, but Sam nods no and turns his head.

So the young man cuts him again and hands him the pills again but Sam still refuses the pills.

This happened about 7 more times before the young man called Ripped-off Captain America over and hands him the pills.

The bitch cupped Sam face, turns Sam force turns him and try to forces the pills down Sam throat, but Sam didn't take the pills.
But after about 21 of doing this Sam gave up and took the pills.

The Ripped-off Steve Rogers suddenly pinned down Sam and the doctor walked over while looking for something in their bag.

When she finally got over to Sam he found what he was looking for and putted out a needle and some type of serum.

"Mr. Wilson I'm sorry." The doctor mumbles

She put the needle in the serum, insert the serum into the needle, then inserted the needle into Sam's arm and started to insert the serum into Sam arm.

Sam screamed in pain and the doctor teared up hearing him scream. She just mumbled 'I'm sorry I'm so sorry' over and over again.

When she was done Sam was crying in pain, she just looked away.

They stranded there for 20 minutes and Sam just kept screaming in pain.

"Was is it not working Alex!"  The young man yelled at the Doctor.

The doctor started crying "I don't know sir, please don't yell at me." 

Then suddenly Sam had some wolf ears and a tail.

The young man had flames in his eyes, "YOU FUCKED UP THE SERUM DIDN'T YOU!!"

"No no I didn't!" She yelled


The man slammed the doctor head into the wall until she started bleeding. Then he dropped her onto the ground, walked to the door and waved to the middle age man to come over and they both left.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆

Sam stopped screaming and got up to see the doctor crying, so like the mother bird he is he when over and hugs the girl. The girl jumped at first but hugged him back.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry, I tried to stop it and help you but I made it worse I'm sorry!" She cried

"Shhh, look I'm fine aren't I?" Sam whispered

"But I gave you wolf ears and a tail! I messed up!"

"Look at me, I'm fine." Sam whisper with his ears pointing down and his tail wrapping around her.

A/N: This is going to become better in the first chapter

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