What dating Diego Hargreeves would be like.

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•Very much over protective.

•Will gladly fuck up anyone who does you wrong.

•Loves having your attention

•Is always telling you how sexy you are.

•Calls you Babe, Baby, Princess, Beautiful.

•You call him Baby, Lover boy, Babe

•He is the jealous type. Literally gets jealous when your talking to any other man.

•In front of everyone he acts like a badass but in front of you he's just a big softie

•ALWAYS making sexual jokes.

•Literally everything you do secretly turns him on but he doesn't show it.

•Loves it when you rub his head.

•He loves to spoil you.

•Buys you chocolates and flowers all the time, Always taking you on dates, Likes to cook for you.

•Always makes you a priority no matter what.

•Makes sure to call you when your not with each other.

•He dances with you a lot.

•Teases you in public.

•Kisses you whenever he can.

•Smacks your ass on the daily.

•You shower together a lot.

•If he's in "the mood" he will kiss your neck.

"Baby come onnnn" "Diego no! We are in public!" "Please! We can go to the bathroom." Rubs his hand up your thigh while staring into your eyes. "It'll be quick" Of course you give in, who the hell wouldn't "Fine. No longer then 10 minutes." "I can work with that"

•He prefers to give rather then receive if yk what I mean ;)

•Stares at you when your getting ready, Specifically your ass. "Like what you see lover boy?"

•Arguing is rare and usually only happens when he has to leave late at night when people need his help.

"Do you have to go?" "Baby they need me." "...So do I. What am I supposed to do if something happens to you?" Sees the tears forming in your eyes. Puts his hands on your face. "I promise you nothing will ever happen. I will always be there for you. I swear." Wipes the tears from your cheeks and kisses you. "You know I love you?" "I know.... I love you too"

•Gets pissed tf when anyone mentions you in a bad way.

•Your parents are absolutely in love with him.

•Teases you about how your parents like him more then you. Smirks at you when your mom hugs him before hugging you, You roll your eyes at him.

•His siblings really really like you. You end up being really close with all of them so you tease him when they act more exited to see you more then him.

•There's a piano in your apartment and sometimes you catch him trying to play it.

•Sings with you in the car when your favorite songs come on.

•Has a hard time falling asleep when your away, He tends to stay up all night thinking about you, Sometimes even dreaming about you.

~Y'all this is not helping me with my Diego obsession.

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