Dating Stanley barber.

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Some of this is yea. 

~When you first met he was bold, when you started dating he was shy and it took him a few weeks to act himself again because he was nervous.

~Touchy asf. He always is holding your hand or has his hand around your waist when in public. He likes to let people know you guys are dating. 

~Always cuddles you. He likes it when you hold his head on your chest because he can hear your heartbeat. 

~Kisses you EVERYWHERE. He doesn't leave any of your body unkissed. 

~Complements you every single day. No joke, everyday. 

~He would literally defend you with his life against other people. Even if your wrong he would still defend you. 

~He likes to feel nurtured, He wants you to hold him close and pay attention to him and tell him how much you mean to him.

~Hes always at your house because your family loves him and he doesn't like being around his dad. 

~Fights about who has better fashion sense. (Stan always wins ofc)

~You dont really have pet names but he calls you snookums as a joke, He knows you hate it. But you occasionally say baby or babe...mostly in the bedroom ;)

~He loves to listen to music and get high. 

~You both think, High sex>>>Sober sex. 

~You wear the pants in this relationship, And he would agree. 

~He gets nervous around you when you look really good or do something that's not sexual but still turns him on. 

~He low-key likes you to boss him around. Its always kinda turned him on. So that's exactly what you do. 

~He loves every part of your body physically. He has a theory that your secretly a sexy goddess who came to earth to snatch up his soul, But he loves your personality even more. 

~Always mfing horny lmao. 

~Buys you things. 

~Attemps to cook for you. 

~Lets you keep his clothes that you wear because he thinks it looks better on you. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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