💜Cht. 1💜

845 11 32


Your POV
'You can do this.. You can do this y/n!... ' I repeated in my mind as I walked up to my parents, I fixed my clothes and took a deep breath, "mom... Dad...?" I mumbled, fiddling with the sleeve of my shirt, my parents both turned to face me.

Mom's eyes widened, "what are you wearing?! Go put some clothes on!" She shouted, I flinched and backed away a bit, "i-i... About t-that.. Mom.. Dad... I'm not your son.. I'm your daughter.. I'm trans.. And- and I don't care what you think! I'm happy being me! I'm happy being a girl, a woman!" I felt my confidence grow slightly as I told them, they seemed taken back by it though...

"What do you mean 'trans?!' You're a BOY you're born a BOY, theres NO changing that! Now go change into some boy clothes! " said my dad, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt, tears burned my eyes as they fell down my cheeks, I sobbed as dad let go of me.

"Clothes shouldn't have gender either! Clothes should be for everybody, so what if I want to wear a skirt?! SO WHAT IF I WANNA BE A GIRL, SO WHAT IF I LIKE SHE/HER OR THEY/THEM OR EVEN IT/IT'S I LIKE BEING ME AND YOU CAN'T CONTROL M—" I shouted back..

I couldn't get my words out, my mom slapped me across the face making me fall to the ground, "don't talk to me or your father like that! Go change like we said so!! We WON'T have a trans son!" My mom scolded

More tears streamed down my face as I rubbed my stinging cheek, "SCREW YOU BOTH!" I shouted again, standing up, I went to walk away but dad grabbed my arm and pulled me back, he threw me on the floor and pulled my hair, I've been growing it out since a week or nearly 2-3 go so it was- kinda- long, making it hurt like hell.

"Ow!" I cried out, "if you can't accept the fact that you're a BOY and NOT a GIRL you can get out, you freak!" Said dad, I cried even harder..if that was even possible at this point.

My dad yanked on my hair more before I got out of his grip, I got up and ran up to my room and shut the door, locking it.

I got my phone out and called nemuri... It's weird to have your teachers number but she is my tutor and my best friend... I trust her a lot!

"Hey, y/n!" She said from the other end, "i-i.... I came out to my parents! They hate me, they wanna kick me out! They're homophobic!" I explained, she let out a gasp before speaking again, "I'm so sorry, y/n! Do you wanna stay with me? It's weird but I couldn't care less, you're my student and I care a lot about you! Pack your stuff and come live with me, I'll take care of you."

I smiled widely af, "omg- really?! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" I squealed.

We talked a bit more before hanging up, I had a plan! Pack my stuff, sneak out at night and go to nemi's!

What could go wrong?!

(563 words! <3)

Yandere Nemuri x trans readerWhere stories live. Discover now