New Experiences

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"Would you be my boyfriend?"

Words I never thought I'd hear. They startle me a bit at first, but being Phil's boyfriend sounds so right.

I turn to face him, as he lies next to me on my bed. I find that he is already looking at me and smiling. There's a hint of nerves showing in his eyes. I feel a smile creep up on my face. I bring my free hand (the one not linked to Phil's)up to his face, cupping his cheek. I softly stroke his jawline and cheek with my thumb. As I do this I slowly see his nervousness disappear.

"Of course,"I finally reply. I whisper it, because I only want Phil to hear. Even though there is no one here to hear us, it just feels better that way. It makes me feel like we're the only two people in the world. And when I'm with him, we are.

He slightly nudges into my hand. I giggle a bit to myself. This time he leans forward, connecting our lips. Our lips fit together perfectly.

Soon our kisses get hungrier and more desperate. I feel his tongue skim my bottom lip. After a moment of contemplation, I allow him access into my mouth.

I never understood why people did this, until now. Now I understand. It makes you feel so much closer to the other person. It makes you feel like you're the same person, like you're sharing a body. And it makes you forget about anything and everything.

Our tongues moved perfectly in sync together and it was wonderful.

I swung my leg over him, so I was now sitting on top of him. His hands lay steady on my waist.

Soft moans escape our lips every-so-often. I would be embarassed when this happens, but Phil doesn't seem to be,so I guess that's just what's supposed to happen.

We kiss for eternity. Hardly even stopping for breaths. I don't know about him, but I really wasn't thinking about breathing.

His hands pull my body closer to him. I'm low basically laying on him as we suck each other's faces off.

And that is the exact moment that my mother walks in.


Author's Note:

Hey, so this isn't my first Phanfic, but I still just want to know how I'm doing, just like any writer would. And I know, cliff hanger, sorry :P

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