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A few days has passed, Vincent has been stressed out. I don't blame him. I sort of fixed the problem, meaning if Vincent boss calls the 4 million was given to the sons and they ran off. We disposed of the bodies.

I got interrupted by the phone ringing. It was Vincent telling me to go to his office. I walked over to his office and knocked he opened the door and let me in, I didn't go to far into the room and turned around to face him.

"You needed me?" I sighed fixing my posture. "Marley called about his sons." He said lowly. I rolled my eyes "I have it covered he won't find them. Plus we have our alabui." I shrugged.

I sighed and rubbed his eyes out of frustration. "I have a plan." I stood there waiting for him to further explain. "Marley has an auction coming up, he auctioning off older cars, parts of his business, and the obvious. I-" I interrupted him. "What does this mean for me?" I asked. "Like I was getting to if you listened long enough. I need you to go and scout him out, make him think your actually interested in whatever he has, catch his attention." He says pacing around the room.

"How old is he?" I asked walking towards his desk. "Late 50's early 60's-" "ew gross Vincent." I interrupted. "Hey I'm not the one who got us into trouble." He says in a harsh tone.

There was silence that filled the room but not long enough to make it awkward. "Fine. I'll do it." I rolled my eyes. "Great. Glad we uh agreed to something." He says with a forced smile.

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I couldn't really find myself to be flirting with a middle aged man because I killed his sons for being disrespectful and oblivious. I wore the nicest dress I had. Mind I tell you that I'm going alone, Vincent will have people watching over me and he will be telling me what to say.

I got interrupted in my thoughts by Vincent calling me telling me my ride is downstairs of my apartment. I looked in the mirror one last time at my makeup, my figure, and outfit. I just put my hair in curls. I quickly went down to the lobby of the apartment and walked to the parking lot area where I found the limo.

"I couldn't of just had a regular car?" I thought. On the ride to the auction, I was thinking of how all this could go down. Like what if further down the road he finds out who killed his sons? Will he kill me?

We got there and the limo driver opens the door for me. I get out and start to walk in, nerves intensifying more and more as I get closer to the entrance to this hell hole. My body is trembling with fear and my hands are really starting to get clamy and my heart is beating out of my chest. Before  I got up to the door I stopped and bent down to "fix my strap on my heels, and took a deep breath and told myself quietly...."You got yourself into this mess, now fix your fuck up." "Bitch, PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" I slowly stood up and smiled at the doorman as he smiled back at me as he opened the door.

I was instantly overwhelmed with the view of people, people walking around with drinks, and the view of very expensive things. I sigh sharply and forced a smile on my face. "I'm in." I say talk to the ear piece Vinnie gave me. "Good. Now walk to the middle of the room, my bodyguards are 3 o clock and 11 o clock. They have eyes on you at all times." Vinnie quickly said.

"Now go to the bodyguard at 3 and walk in that room. Marley is in there." Vincent says directly. "Bring me 1 million dollars. I have a plan." I said looking around by the expensive cars. "You better not fuck this up y/n! You fuck it up and you're fired." He says stressed out. "It'll be there in 30 minutes."

I forced a smile once I seen Marley. I started looking at the cars. A lot of cars. "Car bidding is starting!" A man yelled. "Perfect." He grin.

They started auctioning off the first car. It was a

There was a couple more auctions until they got to the car I wanted. "Now bidding for   

I waited until someone put a bid first. "500,000" someone yelled. "550,000" all these numbers were being yelled out until it I heard the number "700,000" 750,000" I yelled. "Going one!- going twi-" "800,000" someone yelled. "825,000" I yelled. "850,000"

We went back and forth until it got to 900,000. If they didn't stop after this bud then I had to stop at 900,000. "Going once! Going twice! SOLD! Lady in the black dress." The man yelled.

"Good job, money is by the door with the bodyguard." Vinnie sighed. I started looking around and made my way towards the doorway but got stopped immediately.

"Hello lady in black." The man smirked. I turned to face him "hi." I smiled. "We're you the one that got that

"Yea, that was me." I laughed. "You have good taste. Want me to show you around?" He asked. "I would but I have to pay the bid" I shrugged. "Don't worry about it, I'm Marley." He smiles while holding his hand out. "Ohh so you're the boss of all this?" I asked taking his hand. "Yes ma'am." He says going to the food bar. "Ask him about his background" "So do you have a wife?" I asked in a flirting manner. "I don't, I have two sons though they haven't contacted me in a a few weeks." He shrugged.

"I'm sure they are fine, they are probably trying to make you proud." I said trying to lift the mood. "How about we get some food?" I asked. "Sure:" Marley smiled

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