Untitled Part 9

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Ryan had been in rehab for just about a couple of weeks now, he was determined to get better and on a straight narrow path for his daughter. For Sophia. He was doing outpatient treatment, he would be in rehab and then during the day come out and try to see Sophia as much and as often as he can.

Mainly his goals were trying to find the best home for them as possible and finding a job. He knew he couldn't get a house or an apartment without money, money he didn't have. Which meant he had to find a job but he knew that could be difficult with his drug use.

Before they knew it the temperatures had started to drop dramatically very close to single digits. Soon it was snowing in the Windy city. Christmas had been fast approaching and he had no idea what to get his daughter.

One afternoon Ryan signed out of rehab to meet up with Adam and Sophia at the mall, Sophia had just about begged to get her picture taken with Santa and Adam couldn't help but caved. She wanted to invite her father along, the seven-year-old wanted to give the relationship with her father a real chance.

Ryan showed up at the mall and looked around for them till he had found them. Just seeing his daughter had always put a smile on his face. He tried not to be so nervous with Adam, he didn't wanna do anything to screw up and Adam took his privileges of seeing his daughter away.

"Daddy!" Sophia ran to her father.

Ryan couldn't help but smile hearing that, it had actually made his day a lot better. He bent down and hugged her. "There's my Sophia bear"

"I missed you"

"I missed you too shorty"

Adam chuckled and smiled as he walked over to see them, he was actually glad that his niece's father hadn't been a total dead beat and wanted to stick around for her sake. His heart ached in pain as he tried to hide it. It would be their first Christmas without Emma, they wanted to try and make this a good Christmas for the youngest Ruzek.

"Hey Ryan" Adam says.

Looking up, Ryan's eyes locked with Adam. He felt some nervousness inside of him. "Adam hey"

"Relax man, it's all good. I was about to take Soph to get her pictures taken then to get some lunch. Wanna join?"

"Sure, I'd love to"

Sophia just about pulled her father and uncle to the center of the mall where they had set up the Santa pictures at. The little seven-year-old was bouncing on her toes watching and waiting the whole time. Ryan smiles as he patted her head gently. All the while Adam could tell something was bugging him.

"You alright?" Adam asked him softly.

"Yes. No. I don't know" Ryan answered.

"What's going on?"

"It's almost Christmas and I have no idea what to get Soph. I don't have any money to get her anything nice or special. It feels like I'm already failing"

"You're not failing, you're still working to get back on your feet. How about this after we leave here, I'll drop Soph off with my dad and I can take you to find her something"

"You..you'd really do that?"

"Of course, we're family. Whatever you need help with. I got you"

"Thanks a lot man, I really mean it"

"As long as we both keep our word and we work, talk and discuss everything out. It should be smooth sailing"

"I give you my word. No secrets, no hiding anything"

"That's all I ask. How's your program coming?"

"Pretty good, the detox wasn't as bad as I thought but so far it's good. My next step is finding a job so that way I can get a place for me and Soph"

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