Untitled Part 15

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Adam had still been flatlining, Hank's throat was tightening his heart skipping beats. If his young officer didn't make it he was going to dread telling not only his team but Bob and Sophia. After waiting nervously and anxiously they had finally gotten his pulse back and finally the older Sergeant to breathe again.

The young officer was still alive, he or the doctor wouldn't have to deliver grave news to Bob and Sophia. They were just coming to terms with Emma's death, it would be gut and heart wrenching if they lose Adam next.

Hank went over to the doctor. "How's Adam?"

"Officer Ruzek..."


Ryan was still with Foyet, he tried to fight the deranged serial killer but had no luck. The older killer had Ryan tied to a chair, his wrists and ankles zip tied tightly. This would be a perfect plan to end Hotch, this would finally end here and now.

"You won't get away with this, you deranged bastard" Ryan snarled at him.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. But this will end once and for all today"

"And what is it you want with me?"

"Isn't it obvious? To hurt Aaron of course. I'd go for Haley but Hotch hid her and little Jack. You're the next best thing"

"You're crazy"

"So I've been told. That little beauty of yours though, god the things I could do to her"

Hearing that made the younger man jerk forward in the chair, the plastic ties cutting into his skin. Anger and rage began burning in his eyes.

"If you so much as touch a hair on my daughter's head, you won't have to worry about Hotch killing you because I will" His voice was cold and dangerous.

"Your threats are by far adorable, thinking you could hurt me"

"Go near my daughter and see what happens. You think you have just me to worry about, you have no idea who's with my daughter now"

Foyet opened a black case and pulled out a needle and a small bottle of liquid. When Ryan saw the small bottle he was afraid, he felt whatever was in that bottle could make him relapse and he'd lose his sobriety. He started fighting the tight restraints.

After getting a good dosage in the needle and squirting a bit out he had walked over to the younger man with an evil grin. "This won't hurt at all, just relax"

He jabbed the syringe in Ryan's neck and pushed down smiling evilly. It wasn't long before he was going out. Once he was passed out Foyet pulled his phone out and dialed a number.

"Aaron my good buddy, I have something that belongs to you. If you want it back you'll come meet me. Let's end this"


"How's Adam?" Hank asked.

"Officer Ruzek, he suffered some internal bleeding. We looked and it seems that there's some damage to his spleen. We rushed him up to surgery now to remove it" Marcel explained.

"Is he gonna be alright?"

"We'll monitor him after his surgery but if things do look well I should expect him to make a full recovery. I wouldn't recommend any field work any time soon. His body has gone through a lot"

Hank couldn't help but pace frantically, the BAU team and the rest of intelligence were trying to track Foyet but found nothing. It was as if he disappeared or went underground. What really made Hotch nervous was this deranged bastard had his cousin and was probably doing god knows what to make him talk and give him any information.

Bob Ruzek had returned with his young granddaughter to check on his son's condition. Sophia had skipped over to Hank and hugged him loosely. She looked up at the older Sergeant giving a depressed look.

"Grandpa Hank, is Uncle Adam gonna be alright?" Her voice was soft and cracking.

He bent down to her level pushing some of her soft brown hair back behind her ear. "Your uncle is gonna be just fine sweetheart"

Bob had bent down to her level as well. "Say angel, why don't you wait for me over there whileGrandpa Hank and I talk. I'll be over there in a few minutes"

She nodded and went to sit down and began swinging her legs. Bob and Hank then stood to their full heights. Bob looked at his son's boss worriedly.

"How is my boy, Hank?" His voice is full of fear and worry.

"He had some internal bleeding and rushed him to surgery and removed his spleen. They're going to monitor him after surgery but if everything looks good,they should expect him to make a full recovery"

"And the bastard that did this to him and took Ryan, where is he?"

"We're looking for him"

"You haven't found this son of a bitch yet?!" His voice rose a bit, getting the attention of the upset seven-year-old.

"Bob please, now's not the time or the place. Believe me I know and understand you're upset, I've been where you are. Just calm down and relax. You getting angry isn't helping or solving anything. We're looking for this guy it's just taking time"

"Time? How much time? Till Sophia loses her father too and she'll grow up without both her parents? Just exactly how much time Hank?!"

With his yelling it caught everyone's attention and Sophia's. Her eyes filled with tears fearing the worst. Hank took the other man's arm and guided him away.

"Bob, you have got to calm down, your anger isn't helping if anything it's scaring Sophia even more. We've got this, we will get this bastard. All you need to worry about is staying put with Sophia and being there for Adam to help him get through this. They're gonna need you now more than ever. Let us handle this"

"Just catch the bastard" He had gone and sat next to his young granddaughter.

The seven-year-old hugged his arm. "Grandpa, why were you yelling?"

"Don't worry about it sweetheart, Adam will be perfectly fine" He assured her softly.

Hotch was looking over something when his phone rang, not paying attention to the caller ID he simply answered.


"Aaron my good buddy, I have something that belongs to you. If you want it back you'll come meet me. Let's end this" Came Foyet's voice.

"Where's Ryan?"

"He's asleep at the moment, but I'd be happy to take a message"

The agent's blood ran cold. Was his cousin...dead? He tried not to think about that, it was all part of Foyet's mind games.

"Where is he?"

"He's knocked out but very much alive"

"I want proof of life, put him on. No pictures. I want to hear his voice"

There was a brief pause and a very soft, weak voice came on. "A...Aaron..."

"Ryan, are you alright?"

"Don...Don't let him get Sop...Sophia..."

"She's safe. Can you tell me where you are?"

Before Ryan could answer, the serial killer's chilling voice came back on. "There happy?

"Where do you wanna meet?"

"I'll text you an address. Be there in an hour and come alone, if I see anyone else your little cousin dies. Are we understood?"

"Yes, just don't harm him"

"That's up to you buddy. One hour don't be late"

He hung up and quietly slipped out of the hospital, he made sure he wasn't followed. He had to save his cousin and end this with Foyet once and for all.


To all my readers, I wish you all a very happy, safe and healthy new year as we welcome in 2023. I wish you all well 

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