Episode One: Red Light, Green Light, Flashlight (part one)

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TW: Bondage, Violence

"I'm telling you man, it was all a dream", Andrew said, sitting beside Nick in the cafeteria.

"No, he's real, I saw him", Nick said, not touching his food at all.

"Lay off the weed gummies", Jessi teased, poking his shoulder rather painfully.


Andrew grinned, poking Nick from the other side.

"Ow! Trust me, you guys will regret not believing me some day!"

"What, will we have to surrender to 'Nick Kroll's' ultimate power?", Jessi mocked.

Nick Birch hmphed. He knew what he saw, and he knew that Jessi was not making a smart choice by undermining Kroll's power. If only there was a way that he could prove it.

That afternoon, Nick begged Rick to bring him back into the monster world.

"Pleeeeasee", Nick begged, "Please Rick, let me go back. I need to prove to my friends that he's real."

"Who's real?", Rick asked, scratching his ears with his back leg.

"Nick Kroll, the creator of Big Mouth!"

"Nah man", Rick said, "I can't let you go, monster rules".

Nick sighed, and than lifted his rude finger to the sky; "Oh come on Kroll, I know your behind this! Your the one pulling the strings!"

"What strings baby, I got no strings to hold me down", Rick said.

"Oh come on!", Nick urged, "This is ridiculous! None of my friends believe me! I just want to show them that I'm not a total crazy person".

Nick sat down and sighed at the floor. At that moment, Walter appeared, as a slithering worm.

"Some friends they are, treating you this way! Laughing at you, mocking you, using you as a poking bag!"

"Yeah", Nick responded, "It makes my blood boil".

"Don't you just wanna prove to them that Kroll is real out of spite?"

"Yeah, I do don't I".

"Maybe", Walter added, "You could even ask Kroll to teach them a lesson, he is the one pulling the strings after all".

"What strings man?", Rick asked, "The only string I got is my horn". Rick unravelled his horn string and chased it around in circles.

"Wait a second Water, why can't you take me into the monster world!", Nick asked.

Walter sighed, "Can't, it's workplace code".

"This is bullshit!"

"Hey, hey", Walter said, "Now wait a second. I can't bring us to Kroll, but monster code doesn't say anything about bringing Kroll to us".

Nick thought about this for a moment, "You mean like, kidnapping the creator of my reality? Won't that cause universal chaos?"

The worm slithered onto Nick's shoulder, "I mean, what's the alternative. Your known as a mad man for the rest of your life, and assholes treat you like shit on a stick?"

Nick pet his worm, which made the worm snap at him. "Oh fine! Let's do it Walter, lets kidnap Nick Kroll!"


"You know", Nick added, "Technically, he'd be kidnapping himself than".

"Oh come on, lets not get into all this paradox bullshit, this is only Wattpad", Walter said.

The next morning, Nick found himself lying in his bed, not being able to relax nor get up. He knew that Walter was in the process of kidnaping Kroll, and he had no idea what affect that would have on his life. Suddenly, there was a flash of light at the corner of his room, and there was Walter, a massive human-sized worm who was dragging a middle-aged man across Nick's floor.  Nick Birch could hardly believe it, he had his own creator in his bedroom. Not only that, but his creator had his mouth duck taped shut.

"Get a chair I can tie this bastard to!", Walter urged. 

Nick quickly got up and grabbed a chair from beside his desk. Walter pushed Kroll onto the chair and slithered in circles around his arms, legs and hands, making the poor man unable to move a muscle.

Birch grabbed a flashlight from his draw for dramatic effect, and shined it straight into Kroll's eyes.

"Now, Nick Kroll, if that's even your real name. Your going to do as I say,  and than I will let you go. And if you do not listen to me, there will be trouble, you understand?"

Kroll nodded furiously.

"Now, why can't Jessi and Andrew know of your existence?"

The man mumbled something through his duck tape.

"Oh wait", Nick said, ripping off the tape, making Kroll cry out in pain, "There we go". 

"This-this is so kinky", Kroll said, making Walter slither further, causing Kroll to be squeezed tighter to the chair.

"No Kroll, this is not kinky! Jesus Christ, I'm a child you pervert! I just need you to tell me why my friends are treating me like such shit".

"I don't know", Kroll said, "I mean, if your friends told you about this magical man who controlled the world, do you think you would treat them with utmost respect?"

Birch grabbed some scissors; "I'll cut your nuts off, I'll cut your nuts off goddamnit!"

"Fine, compromise!", Kroll said a little desperately. "I can't make your friends respect you, but I can make them fear you".

Birch stepped back, "Go on".

"My existence can't be proven to all of them, it would cause chaos. However, I do have room for one more character to speak to me, and that's it. So, how about you throw a contest with all your little friends to decide who that is".

Birch pointed the flashlight at Kroll's head. "What are you thinking Nick Kroll? What kind of contest?"

"A contest that will make them obey you, and fear you, and suffer", Kroll said, a glint of evil in his eyes. 

"No more stalling, spill your plan!"

"Okay, okay", Kroll complied, "I can give you the set of Squid Game".

"Squid Game? What's Squid Game?"

"A series of deadly games that leave a single winner", Kroll said, "The first of the games being a childhood classic: Red Light, Green Light". 

"And what on Earth does that have to do with a squid?"

Kroll snickered, "Like I know!"

Birch thought for a moment; a lot of thinking he had to do lately.

"Just trust me on this one, it'll be fun, and don't you want your friends to suffer?"

"Hell yeah he does", Walter said, "You want to kill them all!"

"But do I?", Birch said, "I mean, these guys used to be my friends, do I really wanna kill them?"

"Used to is the key word", Walter stated, "For the past few months they've been picking on you and laughing at you and not even hanging out with you as much! In fact, I bet they want you dead yourself!"

"Uh, I dunno., isn't that a a bit of a stretch..."

"Oh come on Nick!", Walter demanded, before slithering up Birch's spine, into his brain, making him shiver.

"You know what, I really like that", Birch said with a smile.

"Yes!", Kroll cried, jumping up now that Walter was gone, "A Squid Game Big Mouth crossover, this is gonna make so much money!"

Birch glared up at  him, "Oh", Kroll added, "And be fun for you of course".

With Walter in his head, Birch wished nothing but hell upon everyone; "Lets do this thing". 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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