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I'm lost in a thought about fangirls. Having full experience being one and having friends that are this could get crazy. I'm starting at the dashboard thinking. Wow. People already know who I am, people also already hate me...I feel some one tugging on my shoulder, I look up and see Austin.
" mean. Did you say something?" I ask snapping back to reality
"Yeah. Are you ok?" He asks looking at me.
"Yeah. Sure. I'm fine it's just weird to think my life just took a complete 360" I say looking up"lets go I gotta get home" I add grabbing my phone.

I grab my phone and text my mom. "Got a contract! Going on tour! On my way home love you". I reach in my purse and pull out my head phones and start listening to music. "All I Ever Needed" came on and I guess Austin could hear the music through my head phones. He starts singing kudos making me laugh. I then take my phone and plug it into the aux chord and it plays in the speakers. "YOUR ALL I EVER NEEEED!" I say singing loudly. "Baby your amazing." Austin sings then he winks at me. I look down at my phone trying not to let him see me blush.

Later that evening

Austins sitting in the living area with my mom and sister and I'm upstairs packing. My friends have made their way to their homes and I have time alone to process all of the things going on.

I, Savvy just a small town girl, am going on tour with a pop sensation.

I sit down and pull out my phone and scroll through my instagram. I see nothing but love from my loving supporters. Wow. I lock my phone and sit on my bed and try to remember back to when I got the meet and greet tickets. When my uncle put up the yellow polka dot wallpaper. When I had my first sleep over. All the normality of life was about to change. There's a knock at my door and my little sister is standing there holding her blanket.

"Hey kitty." I say acknowledging her with a Nick name I gave her at her 4th birthday.

She hesitates then runs to hug me. I hold her until the tears and sobs stop. She leans back and our identical eyes lock and share a loving gaze.

"Your going to be great Sav. Remeber to call me and bring me more teddy bears" she says hugging me again.

And with that I finish packing and head down stairs to start the new life I signed up for.

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