Beginnings-Chapter 1

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July 2nd

Severus sets down his book, looking around he realized the sun had already gone down, it was well past midnight. Once again, the quietness and peaceful time he had while reading his book had made him unaware of the passage of time into the latehours of the night.

Sighing to himself, he finally makes his way to bed, like the rest of his house, its curtains were drawn, and the room was coldly silent.

Now that his book was done, and he was attempting to sleep, the silence did feel stifling, there was no other human around, no animals chirping...just him, sometimes he enjoyed it, and sometimes it terrified him.

It took a while, but sleep finally took hold of him pulling him down into its grasp.

Naturally with Severus's luck, dreams followed.

When he opened his eyes, he was no longer in his room, instead he was amongst complete and utter darkness. He couldn't move, his legs seemed to be glued in place, he hated the helpless feeling that seemed to grow inside him. He forced himself to remember this was a dream, this wasn't like the really world where he could of done something

As his panic subsided, he finally noticed he was not alone in the darkness. A young woman was kneeling in front of him, her back was turned but it appeared like she had been through a war, her clothes were torn and dirty, her shoulders shook, and her...her red hair was dusted with grime.

All of a sudden, Severus knew who this woman was, how had he not noticed earlier? She always seemed to appear in his dreams.

"Lily...." He says softly, it had been so long since he'd laid eyes on her...

She didn't respond, and simply continued her soft wails.

Suddenly his perspective shifts, and he could see what was causing her shoulders to shake so. A little boy, seven at the most, lay scrunched up in her arms, covered in cuts and bruises. Severus searched the boy, but saw no sign of life in him. Not even a single breath escaping his lips.

"Lily!" Severus yells, his horror growing.

He didn't care that she was merely a dream, every inch of his body screamed to grab her, to pull her away from this young corpse and hold her with love.

But his pleas for her to run fell upon deaf ears, she merely pulled the little boy closer to her, her sobs growing as she stroked his messy hair, hair that looked familiar...

Severus gasps, he knew why the boy seemed like a past memory to him, the hair, the was James's, his old school tormentors. Which meant that the boy was Harry, Lily's young son...dead in her arms.

"Please Lily," He says softly, his eyes glistening. "I'm here now..." he reaches towards her, "it's alright..."

The redhead witch straightens up suddenly, her breathing heavy, and slowly, she turns her head around, and Severus's heart nearly breaks. Her eyes were red like her hair, her skin was ashen, and he had never seen her look so sad in all the years he had known her.

She looks down at her dead son, then back up at Severus, tears hitting Harry's face.

"Help him." She croaks.

Severus wakes instantly, jumping from his bed. Lily's eyes still seemed to be digging through him, grabbing his heart, just like the real Lily had years ago.

Pushing away the covers, he goes to pacing his room, thinking of the young boy she had held.

Harry would be seven now, almost eight, Severus realized. His earlier estimation about the boy had been correct. But he had looked so small in Lily's helpless.

Severus was not a fan of the art of divination, he did not believe in reading tea leaves or such nonsense. But that dream was different, it felt startlingly real to him. Like Harry had really been there...bleeding out, with his mother helpless to do anything. Just like how now, with Lily gone, Harry had no parents there for him.

He knew Harry had been sent off to live with some relatives, but he had not paid close attention to where or who these relatives were. He had forced himself to ignore the whereabouts of Harry to avoid any more pain. But as the hours passed, and it turned to day, Harry Potter remained stuck in his mind, he realized he couldn't ignore it today.

Getting dressed, he floes into his Hogwarts office, despite it being the middle of summer. He knew Albus would be here, the man always liked doing his work here, instead of working from home. He exited the lower floors, and headed up multiple staircases to Dumbledore's office, he recites the headmasters password, Liquorice wands, and storms into the office.

The white-haired man's head jerks up, as Severus, a flurry of black comes up to his desk."Severus?" The old man says. "It's very early."

"Apologies, headmaster." Severus says coldly. "But this cannot wait."

His heart seemed to shake, his dream was flashing in his mind nonstop, the wailing still filled his ears, all of it overwhelming him till he felt like falling over.

"Very well, what do you need?" Albus asks, not noticing.

"How is Harry?"

Albus looks up from his work, his face unreadable.

"Harry Potter." Severus adds. "Lily's boy."

"Of course," Albus breathes, "I remember, Severus." His eyes fell back down to his desk, and all of a sudden he was very quiet.

"Well how is he?" Severus says testily.

Albus sighs, he missed the Severus who simply glared and grunted at people. "Harry is with his aunt and uncle, they have a son who is Harry's age." Albus says. "He's doing well with them, a healthy boy who seems to be making plenty of friends." He studies Severus's face. "You don't believe me?" He asks.

Severus glares at Albus Dumbledore. He didn't want to tell Albus about his vivid nightmare, about the boy's screams that felt so familiar to him, or Lily's accusing eyes. It had all felt so real, and with realness came pain, it was to personnel to share. "No." He says softly, "I don't."

"Well, you can check on the boy if you wish." Albus says tiredly.

"I will." Severus growls hating how childish his voice sounds, Albus had the ability to infuriate him, and bring out an angry uncontrolled side. As a normally contained Slytherin, it disgusted him.

"Severus," Albus says. "Remember why this is happening."

Severus quickly exited the room, not having any time for Albus's puzzles.

Albus frowns, he didn't want Severus worrying about the boy. It would cause too many problems. One being that he needed Severus as a spy with the death eaters, him worrying over the Potters son could ruin that. Another worry was that he needed Harry humble, not treated like a pampered prince. Him being around Slytherins like Severus, could make him vain and being around any wizards in general could ruin any chance he would have of being normal. His final worry was that, although he didn't like to think about it. He knew that Harry would have to die one day to defeat Voldemort. Having people get attached to Harry would only hurt them when the time came for his sacrifice. He sighed and went back to his work, hoping to forget.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

The first several chapters will be of Harrys childhood, before he goes to Hogwarts. 

I have planned out his school years, so you don't have to worry about this story not being completed. 

Reminder that I don't own Harry Potter or it's characters. 

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