Happy Birthday-Chapter 7

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Yay, here's the Birthday chapter finally!

 Harry's birthday came with the sun, and as rose, Harry hurried down the stairs, Severus had promised him an amazing day, and he couldn't wait to see what the day would bring.

"Happy eighth birthday!" Severus calls at the sight of Harry, confetti erupting from the tip of his wand.

Determined to make Harry's first birthday with him a true success, he brought the gleeful boy over to the table, which was full of French toast, orange juice, bacon and dozens of toppings. The sight of the food caused Harry to literally leap in joy.

"This is just the beginning." Severus promises, as he passes a bowl of maraschino cherries, to the eager boy.

Severus was true to his word, after breakfast Severus used several magic spells to make their home fun. He used Glisseo, to turn their staircase into a slide, Harry would slide down it, constantly letting out loud whoops over the house. He brought Harry into his potion's lab, and showed him some of the more fantastical potions. Harry's favourite was one that allowed him to walk through fire unharmed. (Severus had been reluctant to allow Harry to try this one, but Harry had been so excited, and Severus couldn't say no.) He also taught Harry about the developing solution, so that any pictures he took would move. Severus was pleased with Harry's enthusiasm in potions, with some proper teaching he'd be an excellent poitoner.

As dinner time and the Malfoys neared, Harry felt an excitement building in him. He was finally going to get to hang out with a boy his own age. A boy that wouldn't call him a freak, or punch him like Dudley had. Someone who had magic in their veins like him. It was a thrilling thought to think that he could be living with a friend in a few months. He thought of some of the stories he had read, and imagined him and the kid going on adventures like those story kids, finding fairies or magical plants.

But along with that excitement came a fear. Severus had told him about the Malfoy family, and apparently, they were changing for the better. But he was also told that the Malfoys were an old pureblood family that used to have some cruel views, like the views that had separated Sev and his mother. He took a shaky breath as the clock struck five-thirty, and a popping noise indicated someone apparating within the house's bounds. Severus had made it so anyone with him could use the floo powder, someone with an invitation could apparate near the house. And someone who wasn't invited couldn't apparate within roughly a few hundred feet.

"Harry, come on!" Severus calls, he wore a casual black ensemble, a black shirt under a black suit jacket. He gestured for Harry to come to the door that he was about to open. Harry straightened his navy-blue button up shirt and hurried to his guardians side.

The door swung open and Harry's eyes met a trio of wizards. A man with long blond hair in a ponytail, who was leaning slightly on a shiny cane. A woman in a long black skirt, and form fitting navy top. "This is Lucius, and Narcissa." Severus says.

Both adults shook Harry's hand, and offered a smile. Harry tried to return both, but worried his handshake was too weak, or his smile was too forced.

Lastly a lean-looking boy with blond hair that seemed like it was supposed to be slicked back, but had already been ruined by the boy running his hands through it.

"Harry, this is Draco." Severus says, pointing at the boy in the casual robes.

The blonde shyly grins, and waves his hand at Harry slightly.

The shyness in Draco's smile relaxed Harry. He wasn't the only one who felt awkward at this forced introduction, this other boy felt it too. His anxiousness waned, and happily led the Malfoys into the dining room. The five happily ate the dinner, (Draco only corrected Harrys use of the wrong fork twice) and discussed dozens of wizarding topics. Severus was relieved to see how polite the Malfoys were, not using any rude terms like Mudblood, and took the time to explain things to Harry when he didn't know. After the dinner dishes were whisked away, a small elf proudly brought the lovely cake Severus had prepared himself.

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