Chapter 5

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                Once the movie was over Bryce woke up Lance to tell him that they were all going to bed, when Lance saw the position they were in he slowly pushed himself off of him, flustered, and decided to ignore how he got there. Jaden and Jeremy slept on the two couches upstairs and Lance and Chance slept on the floor with a bunch of blankets and pillows so that they were comfortable. Bryce went to bed in his own bed and told everyone that they're welcome to get more blankets, wake him up if they needed anything, and get something from the kitchen if they needed to. The four boys in the living room chatted until they all fell asleep.

                  Everyone fell asleep except Lance who couldn't bring himself to sleep, the only thing on his mind was Bryce . The way he laughs, his long dark hair, his emerald eyes, and when he saw Bryce's bulge earlier he loved it, Lance jerked himself off under the dinner table hoping no one noticed. He just wonders how Bryce is so fuckable and so damn pretty. The only thing he hates is whenever Bryce talks about that girl from school. "What was her name again?" Lance asked himself quietly. Molly. "Molly." He said repeating his thoughts. Every time he saw them together it always made him upset and jealous but he would never admit his jealousy.

                   He thought back to when Bryce said he could get a glass of water from the kitchen, "that's exactly what I need right now." he whispered. He slowly got up, careful not to wake up his friends that were sleeping on the couch. He walked down to the kitchen, turning on the small light on the kitchen island. He helped himself to a glass and filled it with ice, then water.

                   Just as he was about to start filling it up with water he hears a voice he knows all too well, "Couldn't sleep?" Bryce says emerging from the dark. Lance felt safe around him knowing Bryce would protect his best friend, always. "Yeah, I've just had a long day." he says as he's filling up the water. He turns his head to see Bryce shirtless for the second time that night, not being a big deal. He wore black sweats with his hair unkempt, he liked him this way. He looks so peaceful, so hot. They sit there in silence, blue eyes staring into bright green ones. Forgetting about the water, it overflows the cup and spills down the fridge onto the ground. "Fuck, I'm sorry, I just can't think right today." Bryce chooses not to make a dirty joke about that because he sees the seriousness in his eyes that start to water. "Hey, hey, hey it's okay Lance mistakes happen, we'll clean it up." Bryce goes to get some towels to clean up the water. He comes back with the towels and cleans the floor while Lance cleans the fridge. "Do you want to tell me what's been on your mind lately?" You. Is what he wanted to say but didn't instead he said "There's a person on my mind that won't go away no matter how much I try to convince myself." "Is it someone you like or someone you really worry about?" Bryce asked, "I'm not sure anymore, I think I like them." Lance could see the jealousy in the brunette's eyes. 

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