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1 month later

Peyton: ok so hold my hand

Toni: what is this, are y'all setting me up?

Daryl chuckles

Daryl: no we're gonna take a few steps and then you can take the blindfold off

Toni: ok, I hear water and if y'all do anything stupid I'm never talking to y'all again

Daryl: think positive

Toni: I can't I'm nervous as hell

Daryl: ok you can take it off now

Toni takes the blindfold off

Daryl: now just walk the trail we'll be going now

Toni: what no


Peyton yelled as her and Daryl ran away

Toni walked the trail and at the end was something unexpected, Kenny and Toni's family waited at the end of the trail

Toni: what is this

"We don't know"

Toni: Peyton just tell me

Daryl points to Kenny who's walking down the trail

Toni: hey Ken

Kenny: hey baby

Toni and Kenny kiss

Toni: you okay

Kenny: yeah

Kenny step back and took a deep sigh

Kenny: Toni you are the most beautiful person I've laid my eyes your my life, the woman I'll love to the end you complete me, you've made me the happiest man, waking up to you everyday just immediately puts a smile on my face your so perfect in my eyes, yes we argue I leave but at the end of the day I'm coming back to you and our girls, I can't imagine my life without you, having you by my side and in my arms I feel that you are that one I pray we bring more beautiful babies into the world, I pray to be the man of your dreams, I pray to love you unconditionally and to always make you smile

Kenny gets on one knee wiping his tears

Kenny: Toni Michele Braxton will you marry me?

Toni: Oh my god yes baby, yes

Kenny puts the ring on Toni hand, everyone cheers as Kenny hugged and kissed Toni as she cried

Kenny: I love you so much beautiful

Toni: I love you too

Toni wipes her eyes


Everyone cheers and congratulations Toni and Kenny

Short ass chapter 😭✊🏾

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