13th doctor x Reader with anxiety attacks: Imagine

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We raced through the corridors, the doctors warm hand held mine tightly. My heart was pounding so fast it was like I could hear it. It made me want to scream. I knew what came next. I had felt the tightness in my chest building up for ages. I had tried to play it off, and when Graham had asked me if everything was ok, I had replied yes.

Daleks screamed Exterminate, and I felt as if I had been punched everywhere.

" Keep running fam! We're almost there! "

I tried to suck a breath in, but it felt impossible. And then it happened. I saw the Tardis as we rounded a corner, and hope sparked in me. I turned to the Doctor, to see a smile on her face. We raced inside the doors, and The Doctor and Yaz slammed them shut after us.

" Wow! That was a close one! Where to next fam? Maybe the 60s! Always loved those dresses. "

The Doctor had raced to the controls already, and was flipping switches and pulling buttons. Yaz, Ryan and Graham were standing around the controls with her. I still hadn't moved from the doors. I felt tears leak from my eyes as I slid down the doors. Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god.

I squeezed my eyes shut tight, and tried desperately to catch a non existent breath.

" Y/N? "

I opened my eyes to see The Doctor crouching next to me. Her hazel eyes were filled with worry, and I felt her hand on my forehead.

" She's having a panic attack! "

Ryans voice seemed distant and warped. I choked for a breath and grabbed The Doctors hand. She didn't resist and began brushing the hairs away from my face.

" It's okay.. You're gonna be fine... Just pop up off of the floor ok? "

She helped me up, and gently hugged me. It wasn't suffocating like most hugs are, but reassuring. I felt my breathing begin to return to normal as she held my hands. I finally was able to speak without feeling as if I might throw up.

" I'm s-so sorry... I didn't mean to be a burden.. "

I noticed the fam were standing near the doorway to the rest of the Tardis, and saw them leave to give us some space. The Doctor looked shocked at what I had just said.

" Y/N, you can't help it. Don't ever think you're a burden. You're my favourite human! I don't just travel with you for the good of my health, y'know. "

She said, smiling softly at me. I smiled shakily, and let the doctor hug me for a few minutes. We simply stood there, the doctor with one hand rubbing my back reassuringly, the other gently stroking my head. After a few minutes, she backed away, leaving me feeling empty.

" Thank you.. "

I mutrered slowly, blush creeping up my cheeks. The Doctor smiled again.

" Not a problem! Now, go get some rest! I wanna show you something special tomorrow. "

She walked over to the controls, that familiar grin on her face. I watched her for a moment, before smiling to myself, and waking away, through the many winding corridors of this wonderful, wonderful time machine.

Doctor Who: Oneshots, Imagines. Preferences (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now