Chapter 11

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At least Elijah was incapacitated.

Maddy had rushed to the tomb, and found Katherine was no longer there. She searched the town, but the only doppelgänger she found was Elena, who'd come to her house to get some clothes before going to spend the night with Stefan.

She'd told everyone as soon as she found them depositing Elijah's still-daggered body in the cellar. Just like that, the evil bitch had materialized at the end of the hallway.

"What is she doing here?" cried Elena when Katherine whistled, and they turned to her.

Damon huffed. "When we killed Elijah, it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb."

"Mhm," said Katherine smugly, leaning against the wall. "Elijah's an Original. They have all sorts of special skills."

"I don't want you here," said Elena defensively. "Get her out of here."

"You need me, Elena," said Katherine. "You all do. We all want the same thing... Klaus dead. Yet here you all are, running around like chickens with their heads cut off."

Elena was furious. "I don't need your help, and I don't want it."

"And that's incredibly stupid of you," said Katherine. "Do you know where Klaus is? When he's coming? What he looks like? Not even sweet little Maddy knows that and she was literally Elijah's spy. What the hell was the point of that, hmm?"

"Since you're so knowledgeable," said Maddy coldly, "spit it out."

Katherine smirked. "I think I'm gonna go get some rest before I go to the Grill for breakfast tomorrow. Maybe Aunt Jenna will be free for a bite."

The older vampire decided that she was going to spend the night there. Stefan had gone to the Gilbert House with Elena, while Damon and Maddy remained awake the entire night, listening for any hint of trouble.

There was nothing. All the trouble seemed to be taking place outside the house. In the morning, they learned that Elijah's witch had stripped Bonnie of her powers. Jenna and Alaric were drifting even further apart and John Gilbert, smug as ever, had walked away with Alaric's Gilbert ring, which meant that the history teacher could die for real if any supernatural got the upper hand.

Elena and Stefan had headed off to school the next day feeling frustrated. Damon figured he would enlist Katherine's help to destroy Elijah's body, and hopefully get some intel about Klaus.

Maddy had gone to see Alaric.

"This is totally not weird," he said when she knocked on the door of his studio apartment. "How do you know where I live—?"

"I can read your mind," she said, completely serious. "I have Elijah's phone, and I've already combed through it. Unless Klaus is under some code name, there's nothing here that could get us in contact with him. No files, nothing. If he had a computer that we could get access to, that might help. But since we don't, and I doubt that Katherine is going to be cooperative, I need to see everything of Isobel's that you have."

"Are you planning on looking through it here?" he asked. "I'm on my way to work."

Maddy shrugged. "So I'll take the boxes with me and go read them in the park, I don't know. Just get me what I need. Isobel has to have known something about Klaus. The only other way to get the information we need is to undagger Elijah and go into his mind, and the only way I'd be able to get close enough to do that without him ripping my head off is to resort to certain methods that I'd rather not use on him." She remembered to add, "Pretty please with a cherry on top. I'll even talk to Jenna for you or something."

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