Chapter 74

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Within a day, Hope was home.

It was strange that nothing happened in those hours that they were waiting for her to return. There were no attacks. No stalkers (at least, that they knew of) out in the streets monitoring them. In fact, they'd heard nothing from The Strix.

"I think us bringing Aurora's body here was a good idea," muttered Maddy after lunch. "Tristan must think she either left, dissatisfied because I'm alive, or he'll think we kidnapped her, which would mean he's biding his time. He would have gone on a rampage the instant he learned she was dead."

"I expect it to be the former," said Klaus. "We didn't tell them that we knew Aurora kidnapped you. And, given the lack of communication between Tristan and Aurora, he will be unaware that he needs to be looking for her."

Maddy wrung her hands together, looking at the clock. "They should be here any second. And then... the house isn't going to be quiet at all for a good while. Last time my brothers stayed here it was loud all the time. And this time... Valerie's coming with them, Ansel... Liv... even Tyler and Caroline are coming to help out. Then, of course, Jeremy and Davina. The only ones not coming are Jenna, Ric, Meredith, and Matt because they have jobs they can't take time off from."

Klaus blew air out of his mouth. "At this rate they'll need a bus to bring them all at once."

"They're vamping here from St. Anne's to keep anyone from realizing that a lot of people are showing up. And Kol is going to refresh the silencing spell over the entire Compound. We will hear the outside world but they can't hear us. They won't know how many people are in here. With all of them backing us up and the wolves on our side in case of an emergency... we'll be in a good position to stop anyone who comes after...." she looked down. "Me."

"Don't look so ashamed. You defeated a vampire far older than you."

"And now there are consequences. I shouldn't have defeated her. I shouldn't have been able to. I got extremely lucky, Nik. I've gotten lucky way too often for the past several years of my life. Lucky that you love me and lucky that a lot of people give enough of a damn to back me up in situations like this. These people that are coming to stay here... they might die to protect me."

Klaus shook his head. "They aren't only protecting you, love. They're protecting themselves. And the things they value. If Tristan and Lucien were to succeed in locking my family away, they could dominate the world. Change things for vampires and other supernaturals permanently. A war could still break out between the sirelines and then, their freedom will be in jeopardy. Trust me, love, these people do truly care about you but this fight is no longer just for you and for our family. It's for vampires everywhere. The Strix are ruthless and they love to conquer. If Elijah were with the rest of us trapped for eternity... they would surely slaughter every vampire not from their sireline to seize control of the entire vampire world."

Maddy winced. "I guess so..." she perked up at the sound of movement in the doorway. They both went out, where the other four Mikaelson siblings and Elena and Bonnie were waiting for their guests to arrive while Anita slept in her stroller.

Enzo and Liv arrived first with their luggage. "Fratellino," said Maddy teasingly to Enzo, going to hug him and kissing him on the cheek. "And Liv, it's nice to see you again."

Next, a car pulled up outside, bringing Jeremy and Davina. Not long after they walked in, Tyler and Caroline sped into the house. The blonde squealed when she saw Bonnie and Elena, going to hug them and nearly trampling Davina, who was greeting Elena alongside Jeremy.

Stefan and Valerie arrived a few minutes later, looking a bit more weary. "This house is quite a bit larger than I expected," said Valerie while Maddy ruffled her brother's hair. Klaus seemed shocked to hear her speaking with a British accent despite the fact he'd heard her voice over the phone before.

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