3- Storms Ahead

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Hermione's eyes couldn't fall off Ron while he was in Qudditch practice. She held the book she had brought along tightly in her hands as she stared at Ron with a smile on her face. He was the Keeper. Honestly, he wasn't as good as Oliver Wood, but he still tried his best anyway. Every time he blocked a Quaffle, Hermione clapped and cheered him on. She was the only person sitting in the seats.
Ron and Hermione decided they needed some distractions to help them move on from the effects of the war. Hermione chose her usual way of escaping reality for a while, books, while Ron chose his way of concentrating, Qudditch.
The practice ended with the team cheering and Hermione went down the stairs to see Ron. As she was going down, she saw Ron talking to Kate Olney, the new beater. Hermione raised her eyebrows, amused.
"Ron," she smiled as she linked her arms with Ron's.
Ron smiled back as he placed his hand on her arm gently, "Hello,"
"Hermione Granger," Kate smiled, her voice smug.
Ron probably couldn't tell, but with a girl's sense and wit, Hermione could tell that she was flirting with Ron and clearly did not like Hermione.
"Kate Olney," Hermione smiled back, echoing Kate's tone.
"Well then, Ron, I'll see you later this evening?" Kate smiled sweetly.
She smiled so sweet it was saccharine and disgusting, in Hermione's opinion. Ron, obviously, was thick and clearly did notice. He smiled her his sweet goofy smile which Hermione adored. But Hermione felt anger bubble in her as he showed Kate his smile.
"Of course. I'll see you in the common room," Ron smiled back.
Kate waved girlishly as she carried her broom and walked away, like those Beauxbatons girls walked.

"Kate Olney is the new beater?" Hermione asked, trying to make her voice sound as warm as possible.
"Oh yes. I was impressed. She was good," Ron complimented her.
Jealousy bubbled in her, but she was trying not to show it to Ron. Her pride told her not to show Ron how jealous she was.
"So why are you seeing her again?" Hermione asked.
"Oh, she asked me to teach her how to balance well on her broom," Ron said, blushing slightly.
"Because she isn't good enough?" Hermione asked again, wishing Ron would get her hint.
"She complimented how stable I was in the air," Ron kept talking.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him, tapping her foot nervously.
"Well, do you think I can teach her?" Ron asked, squinting, giving him a timid look.
Hermione's heart melted as she saw his insecure self. She sighed as she loosened her grip on her fist.
'Trust him,' she whispered to herself.
She placed her hands on his cheeks and cupped them. She was a way shorter than him now, but she reached up. She smiled as she looked straight into his eyes.
"Ron, you're the best Keeper I know, and I've seen you on the broom. You can do this. You can teach her to do it. Of course you can. You have the skills," she encouraged him.
He gave her a lopsided smile, making her heart skip. He placed his hands on hers and kissed her palm lightly.
"I'll be back soon," he said as he ran quickly to the locker room.
She stared at Ron as he left. She groaned in frustration as soon as he left. Mixed emotions took over, conflicting in her. Hermione sat on the bench, waiting for Ron to clean up, when Kate came out.
Despite her long bronze hair dripping wet, she looked fabulous. Though they were dressed in the same uniform, Hermione felt insecure as she saw how confident Kate was. As their eyes met, Hermione smiled politely at her as Kate smiled and nodded back. She didn't seem bad, but Hermione felt insecure.

Kate flipped her waist long bronze hair, attempting to dry it as she went by. A few of the Slytherin boys who were coming to practice, looked her way as she passed by. Hermione could hear they talking excitedly to themselves. Rolling her eyes, Hermione turned around, finding Ron standing in an incredibly weird position.
"What do you think you're doing?" She laughed, taking his bag for him.
"I was trying to surprise you, but it didn't work out too well," Ron smiled sheepishly.
Hermione sighed as she slapped Ron gently on the arm and walked alongside him.
'Everything will be fine,' she told herself as she listened to Ron babble on about practice.

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