8- Kate

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Kate turned on the warm waters in the stall of the girls' locker room. Ron and Hermione left first and Kate decided she'll just shower before going back. Her heart was still racing in her rib cage. She placed a hand on her chest and bit her lips to suppress the smile that was leaking out. She could feel her face hot.

She closed her eyes and relaxed as the steamy water poured over her. Her long hair was drenched. She began to shampoo her hair when a vivid replay of Ron picking the leaf off her hair appeared. His hand was so gentle and kind.
"Leaf," Ron had said.
His goofy and adorable smile made her smile. Her heart was still pounding. She had never felt like this before. Before this year, all she could do was stare at Ron from afar, but when she heard Ron was signing for Qudditch, she mustered the courage she had and signed up too.
She actually hated sports, but was pretty good since she grew up with a lot of brothers. She joined so she could see him.

When she could only stare at him from afar, she didn't have courage nor confidence, but now, she felt like it could actually happen.

The only problem was Hermione. As she gained confidence and built her relationship with Ron. She became envious of Hermione. All girls who would have crushes who's with someone else with agree with her.

Her heart ached to see them together. So even though it was wrong, she started to hate Hermione and spreader that hate among girls who adored Ron and all.

She shampooed her hair as she hummed a sweet jazz song. Her voice echoed throughout the locker room.
Tears gathered slightly as she thought of how Ron really looked like he was in love with Hermione, but she didn't want to remember that part. She wanted the butterflies in her stomach to last, atleast while she was in the bathroom.

Dressed in fresh new clothes, she headed to her dormitory and slumped on her bed. She kept replaying Ron's smile and touch. Smiling happily, she stretched out ready to sleep. The last thing she thought of was Ron and she muttered a silent prayer to the stars dancing outside her window.

In her dream, atleast, she could be happy with Ron.

And in her dream that night, she was happy with Ron.

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